Baked Alaska, Mysteries, and This Week

5 recap rambles from the weekend that was and a fun blogging challenge for the week that will be!


One Thanks for all the good thoughts for LM! She was pretty oof on Saturday with a chunky cough and congestion, but managed to rally for Easter and went back to school today. (well, that was a fight, but it happened)


Two Since her babysitter was ok with the cold, the Mr. and I were able to go to the Murder Mystery party with my former workout friend group! It was Deadwood themed, so we all dressed up in our best 1800’s Western garb (which was wild) and a couple of friends decorated the house where we met like a saloon! The company we used was called nightofmystery and they supplied everything you really need to hold one of these parties (character descriptions, how to “run” the party, costume suggestions, etc.). We all received cards with objectives for our characters to figure out clues (the Mr. ended up being the victim so he got to ask ghost ?s!) and got to make a guess at the guilty party (and best dressed and best “performance”) before we learned what really happened! About half of us guessed correctly! It really was so fun; we think this might be a yearly thing! (80’s prom might be next!)


Three As the go/no go on the babysitter was so last minute, I had to quickly put together and activity for her to do with LM. The ended up dyeing eggs with food coloring and whipped cream which worked so well! We had failed at this a couple of years ago using shaving cream, but I think the difference was that this time we did an extra soak of the eggs in vinegar before they dyed them. LM said the activity was “delicious” so you can guess where most of the whipped cream went haha!


Four I made a Baked Alaska for Easter! It sounded so impressive, but all it really is is an ice cream cake frosted in meringue and torched. So, I made one of our favorite ice cream cakes in a bowl (cookies & cream with extra Oreo chunks and storebought pound cake) and froze it for a few hours. The one new technique I used was making an Italian meringue; I had never made the type where you heat up the sugar, water, and corn syrup (or honey if you are us and forgot corn syrup) and then add it into the whipping egg whites – BUT IT WORKED!! Both LM and the Mr. really enjoyed it, which made my heart so happy!


Five Finally, to kick off Q2 and my own writing, I am going to attempt a Week in the Life this week. I’ve been holding on to this dream/challenge since Birchie did it in December! Here’s to seeing how many emotional support Reese’s I need on my in office days (and random cuddles Lil Momma needs when we’re both home)!


  1. I think that baked Alaska looks very impressive. Meringue is HARD!!

    1. I was so scared! Hot syrup is terrifying (with a dog and a 10-year-old running around)!

  2. Yay for a week in the life!!! I can't wait!!!

    1. It is so wild to be thinking about what I do all day, haha!

  3. Wow. That baked Alaska is #Goals. I'm so glad LM is feeling better, you were able to get out for your Murder Mystery evening...and those eggs. So beautiful!!!

    1. We make ice cream cake a lot (LM loves ice cream almost more than cupcakes), but getting to the torching was intense!

  4. My son has always wanted me to try a Baked Alaska, maybe I shall! I am dying to host a murder mystery party (see what I did there?)

    1. Oh, I love a fun pun baked into a comment (now I am doing it, too!!) ;)

  5. I think you're downplaying the baked Alaska- it all sounds pretty difficult! It looks amazing.
    I'm excited about your Week in the Life project, and am off to read the first day right now!

  6. Way to go on the Baked Alaska! That looks difficult.

    Also, I am soooo excited you are doing Week in the Life! YAY!

  7. Holy cow, Lindsay. Baked Alaska? You went ALL OUT! Flaming meringue? I wish there were video...
    So glad LM recovered. Whew.


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