week in the life: thurs april 4


an in-office Thursday (which doesn’t happen every week), feelings, and short pants 

6:24 Wake with a start that I missed my 6:35 alarm. Decide to turn it and my backup alarms off, go and put my contacts in, and shower.


6:4?: LM comes into the bathroom and emotionally rants about state testing. All I can say is “I hear you, girlfriend” while I rinse my hair.


6:55: Moisturize, deodorize, take meds, scrunch the curls and hope for the best with air drying, put on the outfit I had in mind and regret how short the pants seem, remember jewelry AND the notes I had on my work from home desk. Head downstairs. 


7:05: Give LM and Bella their hellos. Pour my coffee and make my smoothie while it cools off. Consider the weather (it’s a rainy nor’easter and flooding is a possibility) and get myself moving faster. Tell the Mr. to give LM a fun extra for breakfast to ease her state testing anxiety. She squeals when he gives her a brownie with her eggs 


7:20: Start my car and head upstairs to do minimal makeup (eye shadow, eyebrows, and hope for the best!), brush my teeth, fluff the curls, and get back downstairs.


7:32: THERE’S A NEW EPISODE OF MAINTENANCE PHASE!! Jump into their Jamie Oliver deep dive instead of my usual Thursday commute with This is Joy & Claire.


7:40ish: Oof, so much rain. I wonder if people will drop out of the workshop. There must be flooding. 


8:05: Pull in to work and head straight down to the conference center.


8:12: Meet up with one of my co-facilitators in the room. Make a bet on how many people don’t show (our usual MO); her guess is we lose 2 and have 10, my guess is we lose 3 and have 9.


8:15: Check my technology, read my notes, get my energy right.


8:45: The other co-facilitator shows up (one of my amazing direct reports) and refuses to guess how many we’ll lose.


8:55 My SVP comes down when we open up the room and says hi to our attendees. (He’s done this for 10 years of us running these programs - never missed one!)


9:00: It’s showtime! We teach until 12 using an emotional intelligence framework to talk about communication styles and more effectively working with people with the same and different tendencies.


10:05: I accidentally get a gigantic coffee on break. Oh, and we had 3 not come so I won!


12:05: We made it! We carry the supplies back up to our storage room and my co-facilitators take off to work from home. Oof, these not required in-office work days are weird. I have calls at 1 and 2, so I stay to work (in an eerily empty office). I down an emotional support Reese’s!

12:45: Connect with my SVP about the 1pm.


1:00: Survive the 1pm meeting! Look down and accept these pants really are too short.


2:00: Survive the 2pm meeting!


3:30: Admit defeat, pack up, and head home.


4:10: Run in and hug LM before she heads to dance duo practice.


4:15: Oh no, I laid down. Bad move. Somehow, a book falls into my hands……..


5:00: Get up and change into my workout clothes. Run down before LM and the Mr. get back from dance #1.


5:15: Dinner! With another episode of Taskmaster. (Breakfast for dinner for me: eggs with sundried tomatoes and toast!)


6:15: The Mr. and LM head back out for competition Hip Hop class. I go downstairs and treadmill walk for 10 min and then do an Arms & Light Weights with Cody Rigsby.


7:00: Oh no, I laid down on the couch.


7:25: They get home! LM heads up to shower. 

7:30: Catch up with the Mr. 

7:35: LM comes back down and we discuss dance drama (the owner had to speak sharply to a bunch of them being rowdy before class - oh snap!) and we watch a Taskmaster. 

8:30: LM goes up to do the Wordle (she missed it but it was hard!!) and her Duo. The Mr. and I pause a CSI: Miami to download about our work days. 

9:15: I head up to do my Duo while LM brushes her teeth (and sneaks in to watch a lesson). 

9:30: Take out my lenses, put on my glasses, take my meds, and do my night skincare. Brush my teeth. 

9:42: CSI: Miami

10:50: Crash…

Oof, what a Thursday. My brain was a little shut down by the end - but it might be my awful lunch habits this week! This is what happens when I miss meal prep!




  1. I saw that new episode of Maintenance Phase yesterday and I immediately thought of you! I am going to listen to it today. Isn't it funny we were just saying it had been so long! They must have heard us.

    1. I love their dynamic together! I really liked the recent episode - the Mr. and I watched The Naked Chef late last year and went down some Jamie Oliver Google rabbit holes....


    Everytime you said "on no I laid down on the couch" I said "yay couch time!" It's been a busy week and the weekend is almost here! I'm waiting with baited breath to find out if weekends are any less busy than the week for you - I hope so!

    1. Oh, I am sure you saw how lazy my weekend was (oops). We are either way-too-busy (and leave the weekend exhausted) or way-too-lazy (and feel like we wasted the weekend)...

  3. I love that feeling when there's a new podcast to listen to on the way to work!!!
    I'm always fascinated by people's workdays- so different from mine. I would imagine leading a workshop like that would be stressful, but fulfilling. Plus I'm sure the gigantic coffee helped : )

  4. Emotional support Reese's. I feel that. My boss has a candy bowl in our reception area for students who come in our office, but I don't think she knows that I have an emotional support Payday most days. She's to blame because she keeps stocking it with good candy.

    1. Oh, Paydays are the Mr.'s favorite candy bar! Slightly weird fact: We still have a Payday that I gave him 10+ years ago in our fridge here (moved from our fridge at our first house). Wow, we are both gross AND sentimental!

  5. Hooray for a great workshop - that sounds fascinating! I need to look up some deets on that; it could be a good topic to share with my team in one of our team meetings.

    I'm also a big Maintenance Phase fan and I'm so glad they're back! The Jamie Oliver episode was a good one!


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