Blips from the weekend
On Fridays , I work from home. The only video-on call I had was with my direct reports and boss, so I threw on a t-shirt and leggings and made the most minimal effort on controlling the curls – this was the morning after my tie-dye adventure, after all! Now, this is a casual, team catchup/all call, but everyone kept pausing after they said anything to ask me if I was ok…. I got more and more uncomfortable until I blurted out “ why is everyone being weird?!?!? ” Turns out, the t-shirt I grabbed had a picture of a marshmallow on fire walking with a smile; above the picture, it said, “ BURNT OUT ” and below it continued “ BUT OPTIMISTIC ” – however; only the top showed on the Teams screen and everyone thought is was a cry for help, haha! I took it as a sign from the universe and ran away after that meeting to get a fancy coffee and my library holds…. Saturday , Lil Momma had the busiest day. Luke had to step in to run a softball tournament f...