Four for Friday

 One These are the flowers that Luke gave Lil Momma after her performance of Descendants the Musical last Friday. He was so proud of how he explained them to me (and anyone else who would listen): They are just like Lil Momma: bright, loud, and all mum, mum, mum, mum… The man can’t resist a dad joke, haha sigh..




Two One month out from seeing (and paying a ridiculous amount) for the nutritionist I had been seeing since October and I feel pretty good. Now, I would never recommend someone else find a nutritionist on Instagram, nor commit to seeing one for 6+ months out of pocket (in my defense, I was in a low moment feeling like I didn’t know how to eat like an adult and she was a RD and an NP); however, the initial months were incredibly helpful for me to break some deeply ingrained “food rules” I held, a lot from growing up in the ‘80s and ‘90s in a specific food environment. I really learned so much and eat so much more variety of food now and fuel appropriately for my workouts and hopefully send better food vibes to Lil Momma. Mid-winter, the tone of it all changed and I felt this weird pressure to “do better” which only makes me want to either give up or do whatever worse is (sigh, the teenage rebel I never got to be, HAHA). Also, I’d see her posting about how good tasting food could just encourage cravings and is something to consider avoiding – I don’t care if that is scientifically sound or not, it’s just not how I want to live my life! So, to sum it up: Learned some great lessons about myself and how I see food, have so much less stress about what to eat when, but don’t need someone to feed me diet culture-ish messages (or pay them to do that), there’s enough of that everywhere!


Three My hope to step it up this month is going pretty well! I’m trying to average 7,000 steps a day in August (a huge jump for me, sigh sedentary work from home life) and I’m averaging 6,794 for the first 3 days. I had one of those snowball days at work yesterday where what I thought was a clear communication to someone ended up in them making 3x as much work for me (and added some uncomfortable conversations to my list for next week) and, by the time I got home from that and to Lil Momma melting down from camp stress (the danger of her “no weeks off” summer strategy), the last thing I wanted to do was get on the treadmill for the 1,500 steps I needed to get to 7,000. So, I didn’t! And, shockingly, I didn’t wake up this morning and give up the whole thing – I went for a walk and got back at it! Wow, it’s amazing what giving yourself a little grace can do!


Four We are in a quandary about this weekend. We have no plans (NO PLANS!!!), which feels like a gift. Luke wants to do yard work (and get his second round of poison ivy) in preparation for Lil Momma’s birthday party later this month. Lil Momma wants to take a wild road trip to Mystic, Connecticut (90 minutes away) for the sole purpose of going to a specific little shop in Olde Mystic Village that sells a fancy milkshake she is obsessed with. I am not enjoying either of those options, so wish me luck on figuring out an alternative!


What do you have this weekend? Do you savor no plans or do you try and fill them up?


  1. I think it's really great that you didn't give up the whole thing. It's hard to break that "all or nothing" mindset that is ingrained into us; i.e., if I can't do something perfectly every day, I won't do it at all. So good for you! The 80s and 90s were a weird time in the nutrition world. Actually, it's still a weird time. There are always fads - low fat! high fat! Atkins! Keto! etc! - and it's good to step away from that.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm trying so hard to not let trying to be perfect get in the way of actually doing anything!

  2. Oh geez, that "don't eat tasty foods" thing would really bother me too! Glad you found some value in the experiment. And yay for an unfettered weekend!!!

    1. Thanks so much - of course, we filled the weekend with a day trip and all sorts of stuff, but it was all worth it!

  3. Hope everyone ended up content with the weekend plans. It's hard to find something that works for everyone; maybe everyone got a bit of what they were looking for.

    Those flowers are gorgeous!!

    1. The flowers have LASTED - I am shocked that they are still thriving; the ones we got for her dance recital wilted within a day or two.

  4. Oh, I love a weekend with nothing much on the calendar. I overbooked myself for Saturday morning and now it's Saturday afternoon and I'm exhausted! I hope you were able to rejuvenate!

    1. Oh, been there. I always think I can do so much in a Saturday morning and then need a down afternoon to just recover from the things haha!

  5. Well, I'll be interested to hear how the weekend panned out. The road trip actually sounds like fun to me! (although I would do something there in addition to getting a milkshake.)
    Sounds like you got what you could from the nutritionist. Eating a bigger variety and fueling well for workouts is a great thing to learn- and now you're ready to be done with her!

    1. We got fancy donuts (and a fun coffee for me), hit the aquarium for a few hours, and then shopped around until we landed at the milkshake place. Got all my steps in and made the drive worth it - I was so nervous we'd land there and she'd be done after that sparkly milkshake!!

  6. I am glad the nutritionist was helpful but yeah, no need to get any diet culture vibes from her, but move on. I also love the attitude about your step goal. Some days are busy and it just won't happen... but as long as we pick up again the next day, it's all good :) Go you!

  7. I'm kind of dying to know what the milkshakes were! Are they super interesting/unusual flavors or combinations? Just really good? Is it the shop or the ice cream? (CLEARLY this is what's important... ;>)
    Also? I'm so glad you detached from the nutritionist, who sounds like they went completely off the rails. What the heck? Not cool. Also, yes, the 90s and early aughts were so weird. Snackwells. Enough said.


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