That time I microwaved a t-shirt

 No weeks off” as a camp strategy for Lil Momma kind of blew up in our faces. We had a problem at one of the camps 2 weeks ago and then had to go back this week and had another issue. It’s been a bit of a bummer for my girl. Then, I made a classic parenting mistake

Let me set the scene: I don’t want to send chills of despair through anyone who has been through this, but it was THEME WEEK.


My feelings on having the final week of this specific camp require a different outfit for each individual day will be reserved for a later post when this season of life is over…


My mom crew and I found out about THEME WEEK the weekend before it began and divided and conquered; Monday was Barbie and we all had a pink shirt, Tuesday was Disney and someone found cheap Disney shirts for those of us who aren’t Disney families, Wednesday was Luau and we had leis from a Trunk or Treat last year, Thursday was Color Wars so tossup, and Friday was Tie-Dyeand one mom bought a pack of white t-shirts.


What mistake did you make, Lindsay? It seems like you had something for each day? WELL, let me tell you: I missed the emailwhere we were supposed to SEND IN THE WHITE SHIRT on TUESDAY so they could tie-dye it and then WEAR IT ON FRIDAY.


This led to a really sad moment on Thursday night when I drove home from work (40 minutes) and pulled into the driveway to Luke and LM getting out of the car and her just falling apart because she didn’t have shirt like everyone else for the next day.


I don’t know what came over me; it was just this wave of adrenaline and NOT MY KID, NOT THIS SUMMER momentum. I told Luke he needed to do dinner and get her to dance class, Googled some tie-dye hacks, changed into comfier clothes, and drove 45 minutes to the nearest arts and crafts store to buy a tie-dye kit and then 45 minutes back to try and make a shirt happen for the next morning.


Fun fact: I have never tie-dyed. I don’t craft. It’s just not my jam.

I got home around 7pm with some dye and a chaotic mix of YouTube videos and crafting blog recommendations telling me I could speed up the tie-dyeing process by letting the dye sit for an hour and then MICROWAVING THE SHIRT FOR 2 MINUTES before the rinsing process.


Luke was doubtful, but willing to go on this adventure with me. By the time we got to the microwaving, we were both a mix of exhausted, hopeful, and a little punchy. But we did it, let the shirt cool (that totally sounds like a thing adults would do, right?)and it was time to rinse it in the sink and see if the dye worked at all.


Now, I’m the “just go for it!” one in my relationship. Luke researches and thinks and moves thoughtfully; I try things and deal with the mess after. BUT I WAS SO SCARED! Did I waste our evening? Did I give LM false hope? Would all the color just go down the sink? DID I GET ANY ON THE DOG!?!


But, IT WORKED! We were shook. LM came down from listening to her audio book (Holes) and did a dance she was so excited! 

Sometimes, it’s the little wins, no? Did you have any ups and downs this week that landed back up?


PS: Follow me for more lifehacks HAHA!


  1. Just thinking about theme week gives me the hives. We've never had a camp where this was a "thing", but they have theme days at school and I will say my kids mostly just skip them. At this stage if they want to pursue it, I let them...but I don't go out of my way. It's just not my thing! That said, we did all dress up for a costume day at a recent church event and decided about 10 minutes before leaving the house we would do it. This actually worked better for me, so I didn't dread it for days (or months in the case of Halloween - I would 1000% skip every Halloween for the rest of my life).

    1. My girl just loves a costume/dress up day (week, natch!), but I am looking forward to when she can have more control over how she participates and with what. I read about your quick costume experience - that sounds so ideal! You made it work in the moment with what you had and it wasn't some weeks-long stress activity so it seemed so much more fun!

  2. Oh wow, it looks great! You did a great job and saved the day.
    I hate hate hate theme weeks. Like, I can handle a theme day. But a whole week, no. That feels insane!

    1. I feel so validated! These weeks just do me in energy-wise and I always miss something haha!

  3. Did I get any on the dog?! But, I'm over here on tenterhooks! Is the dog safe?

    It looks great and what a "fun" project to make your marriage stronger!!

    1. Oh, I should have noted that Bella made it through with no tie-dye on her - but she would like to note that she feels the regularity of our dropping treats or food on the floor should be increased because of all the dangerous crafts we've been doing HAHA!

  4. Oh wow. I can just feel that panic that you felt on Thursday. I think I MIGHT have tried to buy a tie dye shirt at that point, but the one you made fit in more with what everyone else had, I'm sure. Amazing save!
    Yes, I hate these "theme weeks" so much! They have them for high school band camp- the week before school starts where the marching band rehearses every day. Why, why, why??? It's always SO inconvenient. I remember one year, my son's section (trumpets) were all supposed to wear orange shirts. Orange? He didn't have anything ORANGE! I was at the Goodwill store frantically searching for something for him to wear. And then there's a Disney day, tropical day, "tacky Tuesday" aaaahhhhhhh!!!!! Well, let's see- I only have three more years of this, sigh. These theme weeks are just a lot of stress for the parents.

  5. This. This is why I hated camps as a child. It's like "team building" or "icebreaker" activities as an adult. Great for some, sucky for many. You are a rock star for saving your child's tie-dye day. Also? ONE email to tell you to bring it in? And no opportunity to rectify the situation? I mean, once they realized (on TUESDAY) that she didn't bring in the shirt, why didn't someone tell you to send it in Wednesday so they could tie dye it then? Gaaah. (But seriously. You. Rock star.)


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