F.I.G. Friday

I am doubling down on Finding Joy in Gratitude Collective challenge Elisabeth is running and both keeping short joys on the tracker and sharing longer ones here on Fridays this month! (or forever?)

small joys in kitchen chaos

Saturday – The Mr. and I had a babysitter for the first time in months and months, but he has some things going on that make going out to eat was a no-go. So, we spent a collective 3 hours in the car driving up to my aunt’s house that I am cleaning out, rescuing a spice cabinet and table, and then driving back. It was really nice to just talk and listen to music and be together!


Sunday – I had to go to a wake (weird start, I know), but I went with two local mom friends and we caught up in the car waiting to go in and it was so nice to do some tween parent commiseration with people who are going through it, too.


Monday – The Mr. had a late call so I was the parent in charge of getting Lil Momma to voice and acting. As a hesitant parker, this usually sends me spiraling (nightmare parking, getting dark, rush hour), but all of that didn’t even pop into my mind and I had a great drive with LM where we chatted and laughed and I got to walk her into class.


Tuesday – I had a meeting with my new boss that I thought was going to be a nightmare that turned out to be ok.


Wednesday – I taught a workshop with my work bestie that reminded me that I am capable of doing my job.


Thursday – We had to do some deep parenting at 10pm (sigh, tweens do bring things up at the best times, haha) and the Mr. and I really co-parented the heck out of that conversation!


Friday – Well, from the first bit of Friday, haha: I read the next bit of The Blue Castle today for the next CBBC discussion and I’m just so thankful to have bookish friends to chat with regularly. It truly fills my heart. 


Any F.I.G.s from your week?


  1. Feeling capable at your job is so important, isn't it? I was able to answer a question off the cuff yesterday while a faculty member stood in my office and it felt so good. I know what I'm doing! (Sometimes.)

    I'm so happy people are enjoying The Blue Castle. That actually should be my FIG. I feel like no book can live up to A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, but this one seems to be pretty popular and has lots of meaty things to discuss!

  2. I'm also really enjoying The Blue Castle!

    I'm still chuckling about the FIG that starts: "So I had to go to a wake" which sounds like the start of a macabre joke. I love that you managed to find a glimmer of good in an otherwise sombre and sad occasion.

    Thanks so much for participating <3

    I think long car rides are typically the BEST time to communicate with loved ones (or just sit in comfortable silence).

  3. Would you believe that without blogging I would have NO ONE to talk to about books. NO ONE. Everyone in my family is a reader, but we have different tastes.

    I like your figs!

  4. I am enjoying all the F.I.G. round-ups. It's such good practice to find one positive things every day! Thanks for sharing your moments of joy and gratitude from this week.

  5. I love it! So many good things. And yes. WHY do the kids have to bring up the deep subjects just when you're crawling into bed??? Oh well- a good talk is more important than sleep.
    I can't wait for Monday to talk about The Blue Castle again!

  6. Sounds like a really good week, Lindsay!

  7. "co-parented the heck out of that conversation" made me laugh. We've had some of those as well. Recently our 13 year old has been having very big feelings about THINGS about things late at night after we've turned off the "Parent" taxi cab light (as we call it), and she goes to my Husband and he'll call me, saying, "I need you to talk to her too!"

  8. I relate to so many of these things (tween parenting is NOT for the faint of heart) and love that you found so much to be grateful for in these moments of family and friendship!

  9. Kudos for a big co-parenting moment. I can only IMAGINE how tough it is to parent a tween. Being one myself many years ago, I have much empathy for my mom haha. Those feelings can be BIG.

    And congrats and kicking butt at your work presentation! Stuff like that always feels so good, doesn't it?!

  10. Sounds like so much great together time and collaboration this week! I'm glad you didn't have to go to the wake alone. Sorry for your loss <3


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