10 random questions v1

 My brain is shot lately, it seems. I read blogs and think of comments but don’t type them and whoosh - they’re gone. I have blog posts to write (back to school prep, Lil Momma’s birthday next week, how to work when work feels awful), but I can’t get my head around them. 

I’ve been super inspired by the lists on Engie’s 20th blogiversary guest posts, and Birchie, and Tobia, and whoever else I’ve read and just can’t put a name to, so I grabbed the first 10 prompts from here to just help get some words out of my head. 

  1. What’s your favorite sandwich and where did you eat it? I used to work as a Home Depot cashier during grad school in the lumber department by an open door - it was so cold in the winter! I’d drive to the mall on my lunch to go to the Brigham’s in the food court and get a grilled cheese on sourdough and fries (extra crispy) and that grilled cheese was EVERYTHING! Made on a griddle, so crunchy and melty and salty and cheesy. Just perfect. 
  2. What’s your favorite place on earth? A bookstore with a coffee and nowhere to be, in the middle of a cool and damp walk in the woods when my mind clears, a giggly hug from Lil Momma, or listening to the Mr cracking himself up telling a story while we drive somewhere. 
  3. What’s one place you’ve visited that you never want to return to? Oh gosh, I haven’t been a lot of places. Can I say high school?
  4. What’s the best show on TV right now? Taskmaster - even the subpar seasons. 
  5. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Buttered toast. 
  6. What’s the worst movie you ever saw? “Worst” is a hard measure… I personally don’t enjoy the torture horror movies, so Saw was not my thing and not something I’d revisit to see if my tastes have changed. 
  7. What’s the best thing you’ve read in the last five years? Oh come on! Cloud Cuckoo Land made me love reading again in a way I haven’t in a long time. 
  8. What’s the one item of clothing you couldn’t live without? I love a comfortable zip up hoodie or a pair of jeans that isn’t stressful. 
  9. If you could only bring three things with you on a deserted island, what would you pick? Obviously, a safe and easy way off the island when I wanted to leave, sunscreen/an umbrella, and a book. If I could have one more, I’d add in a snack. 
  10. If you could save one material thing from a fire, what would you save? Physical pictures of my parents and childhood that I don’t have digital copies of.  

That was so much more fun than I thought it would be! What do you think, was my desert island answer a cop out?


  1. Oooh I love these kinds of lists. It really helps to get to know a person!

  2. I love a good list! I'll play along for a few:

    Fav place - all of the unexpected gems that I've found while traveling.

    Least fav place - YES HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!! ARE WE THE SAME PERSON??????????

    Worst movie - currently Zombieland. Not because it's that bad, but because we saw it a few days before our dog died. The movie wasn't that great so my mind wandered to our dog's situation and I had a big long sad cry.

    Best book of the last 5 years - I need more time to figure that out - I've read a lot of really great books recently.

    Deserted Island - taking a way to get off the island is a genius answer!

    Fire - I'd take my digital hard drive that has backups of all of my photos.

    1. THANK YOU FOR VALIDATING MY HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE! Best days of my life, I don't think so!

  3. This was fun! Although I'm not sure I'll let your "safe and easy way off the island" answer pass. Great answer for #3 though- mine would definitely be middle school.
    I went to the website where you got these questions and saw that there are 140 more! You should make this a series!

    1. Oh, Jenny. Half my blog writer's block (blogger's block?) has been about Lil Momma starting middle school next week. My brain is frozen with feelings, sigh.

  4. I love lists! These are fun questions. Haha - high school is such a great answer! I am with you on that one for sure.

  5. Yassss! Taskmaster is the best. I have strong feelings on the COVID seasons and think it hasn't been as good since COVID, but even the WORST TM series is some of the best tv out there. Little Alex Horne is a genius and Greg Davis, that tall motherf****** with the ivory hair, is the most quick-witted man I've ever seen. TM solidarity!

    1. I keep meaning to email you - we are ranking each season (who we loved the most, who drove us crazy) and it really is so emphasized when you watch the earlier ones - but, I'd watch ANY episode of TM in a pinch. Greg Davies is just so entrancing. I saw tickets go on sale for an upcoming season's live shows and I was so tempted to just run away to England if I could get in, haha!

  6. Always enjoy these kind of random questions post! I would also save photos that I don't have digital copies of, oh, and hopefully the harddrive with the all the digital photos too (do you have a separate backup somewhere?) .

    1. Are you in my head, San? I am doing a challenge with avoided tasks in September and my lack of a hard drive (and physical copies) is totally on there!!

  7. Great answers!! My favorite place on earth is Paris. Alone, with kids, with a group of people, anything. Send me back, please. :)

    1. I was so jealous of your trip! I have been learning French and between you and the Olympics, I really want to go someday!

  8. I love Q&A's like this - I may save this for NaBloPoMo!

    I really need to watch a Taskmaster season since you and Engie love that series so much!

    1. The joy it brings me is ridiculous - the most legit of LOLs!

  9. What a fun list, Lindsay! and we HAVE to talk. I am listening to Cloud Cuckoo Land right now and am enjoying it much more than anticipated. I loved The Midnight Library, as you know, and am finding a soft spot for audiobooks (fiction) with long, descriptive passages, lots of character development, and not a lot of action, per se. It is not what I expected when I started listening to more books! but anyway!
    Movies - I've never seen any horror movies other than (I think) the start of Children of the Corn, and they're a hard no for me. I've never watched and don't know anything about Taskmaster, sorry. And middle school was light years worse for me than high school. That is where I finally found a friend group that was mostly band nerds and our non-band friends (n approximately... 2? and I think they were both in orchestra, lol.). Middle school - sorry, lil Momma. I hope her experience is much better. <3


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