F.I.G. Friday #4 and dissonance

 The world is suffocatingly a lot right now.  

Everything is a lot. 


I don’t really have words. There’s just so much awful everywhere and it keeps getting louder and all the time.


I was listening to a bonus episode of Maintenance Phase on my drive yesterday and the hosts talked about how it feels bad to listen to the news and stay abreast of current events, but it also feels bad to hide and not be in the know of what is going on. That is me. I am that. 


These FIGs are glimmers I found in these days, but in no way are meant to celebrate this week or this time because although I know two things can be true at once, it’s hard to say “I felt joy” – no matter how small – when the world is on fire.


Saturday: We watched the last episode of Stranger Things season 4 and Lil Momma, the Mr, and I had a “what we think will happen in the final season” conversation and wrote down our predictions to reopen when it airs.


Sunday: I went through my mail pile I’ve been avoiding and most of what I was trying not to open wasn’t as bad as I thought (and then I got to vent to a friend about the one letter that was, haha)


Monday: Lil Momma and I had small bowls of chocolate covered mini-pretzels after dinner and they were just the perfect treat after the first day back to school after vacation


Tuesday: I ran a meeting I’ve been dreading, and it went better than expected.


Wednesday: While I was sitting in the lobby during LM’s strength and conditioning class, the coach snuck out and into the office and then dropped a Reese’s peanut butter cup in my lap on his way back in.


Thursday: I decided to do an extra day in-office this week and it was so quiet and chill and productive (vs. the days that so many are forced to come in and it’s weird vibes)


Friday: I’m grateful for this month of naming the small joys that glimmered in the muck and for Elisabeth’s encouragement in seeking them out!


  1. Oh Lindsay: "it feels bad to listen to the news and stay abreast of current events, but it also feels bad to hide and not be in the know of what is going on." - that's all of us, I think. It's all of us. You're not alone.
    I picked up the mail and there were three pieces of "fun mail" from friends and honestly, it was such a bright spot!

  2. Nicole is right. That's ALL OF US. I was listening to a podcast that is about pop culture and they started talking about the possibility of the defunding of the NEA and I just turned it off. Don't bring news into my pop culture landscape! But then I also get very grumpy at podcasts that just focus on superficial things (the OSCARS! the death of an old man and his wife and a dog!). I both want to know, but don't. *sigh* You are not alone.

  3. That moment with the Reese's PB Cup. Loved that <3

    It can be hard to know how to respond in difficult times. At times when we're not sure how to bring about meaningful change. For me, I've increasingly decided that I need to think about my sphere of influence. The cashier I can smile to at the checkout, my own kids, the people I work with. I have to hope and trust that be investing in them, there will be positive ripple effects that will reach much father than my own individual scope.

    In terms of the news I read BBC news (only, ever - I feel guilty to NEVER read local news at all), generally first thing in the morning and again in the evening. I want to be informed but not overwhelmed.

  4. Yep, you put it really well. And it does feel weird to say "I felt joyful this week!" with everything going on. But... what are we going to do. Wait. What ARE we going to do??? Anyway... I like your FIGs! It makes me feel good just reading about them.


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