scenes from the dinner table

moments from this week

Scene 1

Lil’ Momma (looking for nouns): “the process of invention” hmmm… is “invention” a noun here?

Me: well, it’s describing the process. Adjective? And process is a noun because it’s a thing?

LM: But an invention is a noun!

Me (starting to question everything*): That’s true. But I think it’s a describing word here. 

LM: Are you sure?

Me: I’m not sure of anything anymore.

*I went to school (and back to school again) for Literature and my years of schooling do absolutely nothing to support me in rapid fire remembering of parts of speech or grammar rules at 5pm. I’m useless. I may do more harm than good. 

Scene 2

LM: Mum, it’s division. And partial quotients.  I don’t know if we’ll figure this out. 

Me: There’s a pretty good chance you’re right about that**

**I flip numbers and shapes. I am not the math parent. I YouTube answers and still get them wrong. My family accepts this. My only stake in the game is multiplication tables. 

Scene 3

LM: It said show your work and I did it in my head so I drew a brain!***

Me: I appreciate that but it’s not what they’re looking for on something like this 

end scene

***she is fresh, but girlfriend has a point


  1. LOVE THIS! So funny and so relatable.

    LM: Are you sure?
    Me: I’m not sure of anything anymore. -> Truer words were never spoken...

  2. Hahahaha! Cannot wait for the homework stage! (Yes, I can.)

    1. We have more in 4th grade than ever - but it really is only a math page a night and a random grammar page. Other classrooms are rumored to have 1-2 hours; I can't imagine that at this age and with all the afterschool activities!

  3. I enjoy math. My best friend's son called and he'd been struggling with a problem for a while and as I was walking him through the steps by asking him a total of three questions, he figured it out. My best friend got on the phone and asked me if I was a magician. Ha! It made me feel like my years in math classes were not wasted. I volunteer to help with math homework if you need it!

    1. Oh my stars, you're a wizard! I hope you don't regret offering haha! I could barely do the old math; this new math is doing me in! (And, YouTube only goes so far) (and, and I don't want her to think she can just YouTube the answers if she had access.) (Which she does not haha!)


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