things I’d like to do this year #1

 possibilities for a new year

twenty-three hopes for 2023 

As a disclaimer (preclaimer?), I have a bumpy history with goals. I love the idea of working towards things and checking things off and accomplishing things; however, when focusing on me as a person, I’m that pattern of always dropping to the bottom of (or clear off) my own list. I have threads of hope for this year though, so here’s a list of doable things I’d like to do for myself this year…

1 find some hobbies. I’ve lost track of all my interests after a few years of constant caretaking. Here’s to books and biking and baking and other things that aren’t as alliterative!

2 hang stuff in the house. My guy loves minimalist bare walls; I love pictures and art and memories. This is the year we find a middle ground. 

3 cut my phone screen time by 50%. I distract myself and waste so much time doomscrolling. I need to get a handle on it. This one feels the most aspirational, tbh, but it’s time to try. 

4 buy clothes I can wear outside of the house. I have one pair of jeans right now. I wear sneakers everywhere. I have 2 work outfits I wear into the building the two days I go in. I need to get my gumption up and start shopping

5 complete a 5k happy. I’ve stress sprinted a big crowd one before. I’ve walked a 5k before. However, I’ve never ran / jogged / slogged one and felt good at the end. Mind you, I’ve also never consistently ramped up to do something like this. If it happens, long time win won. 

6 listen to music at least once a week. I listen to podcasts in the car or I drive in silence to clear my mind. Same when I walk. But I miss music!! Intentional listening time each week will hopefully make it a habit. 

7 get Lil’ Momma a real bookcase in her room. Stacks of books everywhere (like her momma) could be organized by moving one of the many bookcases we have throughout our house 

8 ride a bike each week. Riding a bicycle was my pandemic saving grace and it brings me such joy (as do classes on the Peloton). Here’s to doing more of that regularly. 

9 monthly dates. Even if it’s as simple as dinner on the deck and a board game. I want to get back to connecting now that life is less reactive 

10 find a dentist. ugh, just need to get it done. 

11 decorate my office. I’m 90% through cleaning out the pandemic-forced work from home space that was our extra bedroom and toy jail; but, once it’s clean, I need to make it “me” and a space I can have ideas in 

12 send a real card each month 

13 go on 3 family vacations. They don’t have to be big or even out of state - but we need to go see the world and spend time in different spaces. 

14 find a photo storage solution. I live in fear of my iPhone / iCloud going belly up and losing all my pictures of Lil’ Momma and her life. There are so many solutions out there; I just need to pick one and go from there 

15 blog (and comment) weekly. I miss writing and I’m such a lurker on so many interesting and awesome sites. I hope to continue on this little adventure I’ve started!

16 get deck furniture. We redid our deck last year, but putting more money into furniture felt like too much after the cost of materials. But I want a table we can eat at and an umbrella, so fingers crossed for off season sales

17 I’m working with a nutritionist / mindset coach. I’d like to see this through and be more comfortable with what and how I eat, and feel confident in my self again 

18 read 42 books. I spent the first half of my life spending more time with books than people. I don’t want to go back to that, haha, but I’d like to get back to reading and plan to put my library card to good use

19 take my girl on surprise adventures

On my birthday, Lil’ Momma was sad because she went to school while her dad took me out for the day. After dinner, I stood up and said “let’s go!”; she and I took off and went shopping and she was just so excited and shocked we were doing that at 6 PM on a Tuesday. I want to do more of that, spend more time with her, and make her days. 

20 walk (outside as much as possible). My anxiety and capacity and procrastination keep me from walking in the woods. So, if it’s 40* and dry, I’m going to walk outside as much as I can (and when that feels too much, my treadmill is there waiting for me)

21 coming April 2023*

22 coming July 2023*

23 coming October 2023*

*adopted from the amazing Elisabeth 


  1. Yay! I love that you're leaving some goals blank for a later date. I'm really excited about this option this year.

    I think these all sound...great. Achievable, but productive/fun. Okay, maybe the dentist bit isn't fun, but think how amazing it will feel to cross that one off the list!

    I'm so excited you're blogging and can't wait to follow along <3

    We also have some art that needs hanging and I need to return an oversized mirror to IKEA and exchange it for something a bit smaller - that's what has stopped me from doing all the rest of the hanging work needed in our new entry way. Gah - if I don't do it in January I can see it bumping around for MONTHS, so I want to get on this ASAP.

    1. Returns are my kryptonite - they are both roadblocks to progress and energy sinks, sigh. Maybe being better with those should have been on my list, haha!

  2. These are all such great goals! I am looking forward to the year ahead. What is your Peloton name, we can follow each other! I am NicoleBoyhouse.

    1. Oh yay! I am AwkwardComeback on Peloton - I'll look you up when I ride later!

  3. These sound like fabulous goals! You and I share several plans for this year, including more date nights!

    1. Thanks! We always have the intent for date nights, but they just disappear in the busyness of it all.

  4. Finding a dentist. Ugh. My husband switched dentists and there was a nine month wait at most offices for a cleaning appointment! What if he went to that appointment and then didn't vibe with the dentist? It would be another nine months?! You just never know how it's all going to work out with the hygienist/dentist/patient chemistry. I think there's going to be a huge problem finding veterinarians and dentists in the coming years.

    Anyway! These are fun goals and I hope you have a great time doing them!

  5. You and I have some of the same goals, or at least similar. I would like to read 50 books this year (but it might end up being more like 42) listen to more music, buy decent clothes to wear in public... you'd think those would all be enjoyable things- why does it seem like I have to work at it??? I would also like to hang more stuff in the house- we have a lot of bare walls, and I don't like it.
    Your list is good- I'll be interested to see how it goes!

  6. I love your list. Being one with a lot of hobbies, I highly recommend it. When life is tough you'll have something to indulge in that will distract you and bring joy. I hope all goes well with the wall hanging... it isn't always easy to get along with such things!

  7. This is a wonderful list full of good things. I hope you can do many of those things. Sometimes it's hard to make time for the things that make us truly happy :)


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