three things from…

…the weekend that was

Such high highs and low lows, sigh

Lil’ Momma and I crafted on Sunday - and it wasn’t the hot mess I was expecting! (I lack patience, she lacks an understanding of how long it takes to finish projects haha!). She received a sewing kit for Christmas where you make little felt pillows of all these food items, stemming from her enjoyment of sewing camp over the summer. We started simple with Eggbert. It was a little beyond her current needle abilities, but we did it together (though, she asked to stuff when the stitches were too close to the edge) and, dare I say, had a wonderful time doing it. 

Our poor Morkie Bella injured herself pretty badly on Friday. Now, Bella is not a young pup, but has that “forever young” attitude little dogs have, even if her hips give her some trouble at night. I had taken her out for her after lunch zoomies when I saw her go down taking a corner. We don’t know if she dislocated her back knee or  pulled something, but she’s been limping about, sometimes on three legs and sometimes on four… We are hoping she can get into the vet first thing this week. Luckily, she’s eating, drinking, and mostly being her normal, dorky self. 

To end on a better note, as part of my efforts to lessen my doomscrolling, this week I’m trying to change up my morning routine. I usually end up on social media as a “break” from the chaos between getting Lil’ Momma to get herself ready for school and getting myself mentally ready to work (or physically out the door a couple of times a week). I changed the downtime settings on my iPhone to block those distractions till after lunch. Hopefully, this leads to being more present (or taking deep breaths instead of hiding with my phone) - and, possibly setting a better tone for my day. 

Hope you had a great weekend and a good start to the week!


  1. Awww your poor pup! I hope she heals quickly. And great work on making progress toward changing your routine!

  2. Thanks so much! She’s perking up by the hour and moving so much better (and my family thinks I may have been a bit early with my sadness spiral haha)!

  3. Poor puppy! Hope she's okay.
    That little egg! That is the cutest thing! I'd say she did great!

  4. Oh no - poor Bella! I hope she makes a speedy recovery.

    But I do love Eggbert. Too cute!!


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