from the piano lesson waiting room

Lil Momma wins again

Lil Momma does a lot of activities; she’s better when she’s busy. One of those are voice lessons that she takes those at the school where she does musical theater classes. 

Each year, there’s a voice recital. I’m all about her picking her songs (with her teacher!!) and driving this experience; however, after 3 months of listening to Taylor Swift’s 15 sung by an 8 year old over and over and over, I had a moment. I asked that Taylor Swift be removed from the voice lesson list and that she sing at least 1 showtune (we take these to work on her musical theater skills!). This led to a disaster of a recital last spring where she sang a lovely version of the opening song from Tangled and then hate sang Kacey Musgrave’s Rainbow at me. Luckily, this year her teacher has her focused only on showtunes and I’m out of the song picking mix. I thought everything was ok…

Cut to me taking LM to piano lessons this week. Now, I’m not the piano parent - I’m usually commuting home - so, I have no clue what she’s been working on. As I sat in the waiting room, I could faintly hear her down the hall, but I was lost in my book. 

Midway through the lesson, I noticed my foot bouncing to the song and started hearing her sweet voice singing along to what she was playing:

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone

I love you and that’s all I really know

Then, BOOM! The song registered in my brain: Taylor Swift. Love Story. She had somehow conned the piano teacher into doing a TSwift song for spring recital - and now she gets to play AND sing it. 

Kids, I tell ya. May this persistence carry her through life. 


  1. I have a persistent kiddo of my own and was laughing so hard while reading this. 100% relate. Good luck getting the Taylor Swift tunes out of your head. They are such earworms.

    1. All day, every day! And, no hate to TS - I just require more variety in my listening!

  2. Haha, Lil Momma wins again! Kids are persistent. And pretty smart about getting what they want. That's cool she's into music and musical theater! Those are great interests to have... except for you having to hear her singing Taylor Swift. Honestly, if I were the piano teacher I might question how appropriate those lyrics are... but what can you do.

    1. So lucky to have this creative ball of personality; she loves dance, acting, singing.... and, her favorite part of softball is hanging in the dugout with her friends while her team is up to bat HAHA!

  3. Hey, a Taylor Swift NEVER gives up. That's a useful life skill in and of itself!

    1. "The persistence of Swifties" could be a novel HAHA!

  4. Oh my gosh, this is funny but also infuriating! Leave it kids to find ANY loophole!!!


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