to DNF or not to DNF
Is staying the course worth it? I have traditionally been a reading completist : If I start a book, I finish it. If I start a series, I see it through. If I read everything an author writes - you get the point! But, as I come back to reading after all this life chaos, I’m finding that this is the one thing that’s slowing my mojo. When I’m loving a book, I love reading and it’s all I want to do . I truly feel like myself again… …but, when I’m not vibing with a book, it feels like work to read (and I have enough work!); I just stop and avoid it - then, weeks go by, the holds pile up, and I’m hiding from a bookmark. I don’t know if my life has changed so much that I’m just not going to spend time reading things that don’t speak to me (which, honestly, feels really healthy!); I have a kid and a guy and friends and burgeoning hobbies and life is too short and precious to force-read… …but, I’ve always felt there’s something to sticking a book out to see where it goes. Not every book ...