three for Thursday

this was supposed to be “wild takes Wednesday” but this week is just wild

#1 I hit my 100 rides on Peloton

I got this bike after a year of torn rotator cuff and pinched radial nerve PT (riding and spin were all I really could do for a long time). I’m super proud that I finally got this milestone after wanting to amidst all this chaos for like a year (but honestly hope this is the start of me back at consistent workouts and hitting milestones more frequently). 

#2 I saw blue sky and sunshine!

I swear, this has been the gloomiest winter. I didn’t realize how much the clouds and darkness were bringing me down until I saw some sun and perked up like my poor plants. I even bought one of this alarm clock that slowly lights up like sunrise (I may be taking this too far…). I’m so ready for some cheerier weather and starting my garden and all that spring brings. 

#3 I failed another sourdough starter…

but, I know why and it’s ok!! Once I got to the feeding stage, I realized I had no clue how heavy my jar was, so I had no way of knowing how to remove all but 60 grams of starter. I tried guessing, but guessing is not part of bread baking, I’ve learned. Third times the charm? Should I just keep buying sourdough? Watch this space!

Got any wild takes? (Mine was about cake) Reframe any mistakes this week? (Just me, haha?) 

Hope you’r e doing well and having a good mid-March!


  1. WELCOME TO THE CENTURY CLUB!!!! Yay! That's great - what a fantastic milestone! What ride did you do for it?

    1. Thanks! I did Tunde's live 2000's Hip Hop 20 min ride - it was such a quick "just get it done" moment and it was starting when I got on the bike, haha! I'm excited to attempt my first Bike Bootcamp later today (I don't know why I thought I had to wait for the 100 rides)...

  2. Congrats on your peloton milestone! What an achievement! And the sourdough starter thing sounds frustrating, but it's good you know how to adjust for next time. I adore sourdough bread, but I have read all the steps in starting your own and it makes me too nervous. So I will continue to enjoy sourdough that other people have made!

    1. Thanks so much! Gotta take the wins where they pop up. Hopefully, sourdough attempt 3 works out; my daughter heard about possibly making sourdough pancakes with the discard and it's all she talks about, sigh haha!

  3. I have a SAD light and sit in front of it for 20-30 minutes every day from September through April. I can never get enough sunlight, so I'm quite sympathetic to your sunlight plight!

    Congrats on hitting your 100 ride mark! What a great achievement!

    1. Thanks so much! I had one of those lights but it was broken when I was moving my home office around. I don't think I realized how much a difference it made until THIS winter where the gloom just sank me. I'll have to buy again!

  4. Congrats!!!

    I am also SO over winter now. We've gotten more snow/wind/cold temps in the last month than we got the first 2 months of winter. Mostly, though, I'm just sick of dealing with wet snow gear. It doesn't bother me for the first few months, but I get to March and hit of mental wall about hanging up snowpants to dry for the millionth time. I just want to put on a light jacket and a pair of sneakers and walk out the door. And that day is coming!!!

    1. Thanks! And, same... The idea of cold and wet gloves and hats or soggy footwear is just sending me into mild rages. I want to grab my hoodie and sneakers and some sunglasses and have less outerwear-admin when we all get back from things!

  5. Whenever I start to complain too much about the heat in Florida, I remind myself how depressed I used to get during winters (I grew up near Chicago.) I'm pretty sure SAD lamps didn't exist- I didn't even hear the term "SAD" until i was in my 20s. So, I get it! But when you've lived through a cold, dark winter, spring is the best thing in the entire world. It's right around the corner- hang in there!

    1. I'm so behind in comments - but I have a non-work computer now (such a gamechanger)! How you run in such heat will never cease to amaze me! And, I never really heard of SAD until the last decade or so, but it makes so much sense. We really do need sun and fresh air to feel our best!!

  6. Sunshine is so lovely! Hope there has been more of that for you to enjoy!
    I was fortunate to have been gifted a sourdough starter; the idea of making one on my own seems so daunting. I've had the starter die a few times and have to be tossed, but luckily I keep extra discard in the fridge and freezer (My science experiments, the Husband calls them), so I just pull it out and try again. It is really fulfilling when it does work, though.

    1. Oh, keeping the extra discard is so smart! I paused before making the new one because we are going away in a few weeks, but it's on the list for when we get back. I have such hope for making this happen, haha!

  7. Congratulations on the milestone! How exciting!


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