15 thoughts from an overbooked weekend

 We are in the thick of it: pollen and histaminic reactions, recital season, spring softball regrets (we were too busy before multiple softball events a week, sigh), and all the end of school stuff (field trips! a 10 minute show! field day! all during the workday?!?!?)…

Over the weekend, we went from softball pictures (in uniform) to a dance competition an hour away (hair and makeup and awards and master class and oh did we pack snacks?!).  

Here are 15 mental snippets from this day in our lives:

1- Why am I stressed if we haven’t done anything yet

2- Lil Momma’s commitment to the founding father style ponytail (thanks, Hamilton) may play in my favor with the low bun we need for dance

3- and she did a high pony. It’s fine. I just need to make sure she looks in the camera (vs. her school pictures where she’s staring at the ground, sigh)

4- why is the team picture taking so long?!? 

5- this dancer’s bun won’t be like the last dancer’s bun where it took me 5 tries and LM cried and asked another mom to tag in. Today’s my day. Time for all the hairspray and gel! All. Of. It. But why is she so sweaty from softball pics?!?


6- guess we’ll do makeup when we get there. Time to get on the road

7- GRRR Taylor Swift traffic stole my coffee window

8- I think I’m getting the hang of this blender brush (5 seconds later) oh, I’ve made a horrible blush error

9- look at my girl living her best life!! (3 minutes later) and, she’s done dancing…

10- (2 hours later) I did not bring enough snacks (for either of us)

11- Am I enjoying watching this competition?!?

12- It’s 5pm - time for awards! Nope. Dance circle on stage. 

13- it’s 5:15 - time for awards! Nope, hip hop masterclass. it’s 6…. yay awards….

14- Dinner down the street? Well… it’s only 7:30. On a school night. And we are an hour away from home. Sigh. 

15- It’s 9:30 on a school night; there’s no time for a full shower. I’m gonna brush the gel and hairspray out of her hair and we are going to bed!


  1. Oof- I would say that's an overbooked weekend. Can you even fathom how people with two or three kids do it? My kids are six years apart so they really didn't have a lot of events at the same time. And it's still hard! It sounds like these were two season-ending events, so I'm hoping you have some free time coming up.

    1. I can't imagine having more than one - you multikids families amaze me! We are entering into recital June with a recital every single weekend, but I am on a better pollen-med regimen so hopefully it will feel less overwhelming!!

  2. The bun looks spectacular. Sounds like a very high stress kind of weekend though!

    1. Hair and makeup are NOT my lanes, haha, so thank you!

  3. I was overly proud haha! I am sure that will doom me when we get ready for pictures next week haha!

  4. Good gracious, Lindsay. How on earth do you keep up with this? How do you have the ENERGY to keep up with this? I would have been in bed for a week after a weekend like this... Hang in there. I hope busy season is over now and you're easing into summer.


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