randoms from the week that was

The pollen knocked me out. The pollen won. No mix of medicine or magical thinking could keep me breathing normal, not with softball 3 nights this week next to the woods and new deck furniture to “enjoy” with its dusting of green ick. But the accompanying sinus infection sure dragged me down. Such bad timing as we’re well into the wild recital /competition / Lil Momma’s packed calendar season, but I’m trying to rally (this family is being held up by my one coffee a day and eight billion reminders I have across multiple media all over our house haha)!

My screen-time experiment has been wild. I’ve felt lonely, I’ve felt overwhelmed, I’ve felt like I obviously reach for my phone when I’m bored or avoiding things… But, I also use the camera on my phone for so much (part of my aphantasia), as well as the notes for bits of ideas and reminders, texts to keep connected and mom-group meme it up… Hopefully, the second half of the month helps me use my time in the way I want. 

My nutritionist / mindset coach has upped my daily step goal to something that feels like an attack Sorry, that’s a bit dramatic - but, as someone who’s openly struggled with getting steps in on the 3 days a week I work from home AND who is trapped at these dance competitions at least one weekend day, the # she gave me feels both near impossible and like a comment on my slothenly ways (which isn’t a word) (and is me projecting haha, sigh). So, think good thoughts for me as I work towards 8,500 steps a day, which isn’t ridiculous, but feels aspirational as I was jumping through hoops (walking through hoops?) to hit 7,000 on my work from home days in March and April. 

I’m reading Maggie Smith’s You Could Make This Place Beautiful and it’s just grabbed me by the heart in all the best ways. Her poetry has always been this visceral, modern, living thing to me and this memoir just builds on it (so far). I’m overdue for a reading roundup, so hoping to get to that in the works by the end of the month!

Got any random updates or adventures to drop? Hope you’ve had the best week and weekend!


  1. Oh, I love Maggie Smith and I have been meaning to read her new book! Thanks for the reminder.
    Ugh, so sorry about the pollen and sinus infection. I am always so sorry for people who are affected so badly about pollen. My son and husband both have seasonal allergies so there is a lot of Reactine consumption around here, let me tell you!
    Good luck on the step goals!

    1. Thanks so much! The book really is so good - it's due today so I'm super annoyed at myself for not giving myself more time to savor it!

  2. The pollen! Our cat was sick and the vet suggested it was because of the pollen! She's an indoor cat! That's all. I just wanted you to know that you have a solidarity friend in Zelda the Cat.

    1. Oh the poor cat! Zelda, we stand in solidarity together!!

  3. Oh no, the allergies sound AWFUL! And I love your use of "slothenly." It's an excellent word. Good luck on the step goal! I know how you feel about getting steps in while working from home -- it takes a Herculean effort to get those steps in!

    1. I have to be so organized to get steps in during the work day at home (which really says a lot about how I prioritize work tasks over general wellbeing OOF haha sigh)

  4. Ugh. Allergies are awful. I think I'm getting better with age? But seasonal allergies (and pet allergies) run in my family. My Dad used to get monthly injections because his responses were so awful. Hope it passes quickly and that you can get some relief.

    I really appreciate Maggie Smith's writing and didn't realize she had another book out. I'll have to add this to my holds list.

    Daily step counts are tough! I don't measure step counts, but do try to walk the kids to school most days which definitely helps!

    1. One of these meds will kick in, I just know it! The Maggie Smith book is a memoir - a lot of themes around imbalances in parenting, motherhood, marriage and divorce - and it has such a STYLE to it! If you're a fan of her, I think you'd love it!

  5. I think this is one of my biggest "conundrums" with my phone - that it connects me with people who are far away and can't just go visit/meet up with. It makes limiting to pick up the phone much harder.

  6. Ooh, I hope you do a reading roundup soon! I haven't read any Maggie Smith but I want to.
    i'm a little late commenting so I hope by this time your allergies have calmed down. I'm VERY lucky not to have any seasonal allergies, but it sounds really awful.

    1. I have a reading roundup planned for the end of the week! The pollen continues, but only a few more weeks (I hope) - it's hard when the outside hates you!

  7. I'm eager to hear about the Maggie Smith, too. Also hoping that the advent of almost-June means that your allergies are abating. Those of us who have them know the misery - those who don't, well, I kind of resent them at this time of year. :)

    1. I read that tree pollen season wraps up around Father's Day - so the end is in sight! I've had allergies my whole life; I can't imagine what it's like just going about spring like it's not attacking your face!!


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