Five for Friday

One 6 weeks to right my hike - I’ve made a mess of training (well, life got messy). I gave the friends I’m going with an “out” to go without me if I’m going to slow us down too much, but they want me to still go. So, I’m going for it! Big swings and adventures and doing the work. Lots of incline walks, building mileage on the weekends, hiking between recitals. 

Two I finally can do a mostly decent dance bun in time for dance recital weekend. This has been a long run of shows and I’m ready to have our weekends back for some family fun and adventures. Dinners on the deck, reading in the hammock, a day trip here and there… all we have is a full hair and makeup dress rehearsal, 4 costumes, a recital, and cleanup to go!

Three Summer softball has begun! Lil Momma has had a bumpy ride of it. In the spring season, she faced a team with club pitchers (we play in an instructional, recreational league) and she became terrified of being hit at the plate. Now, when anyone except her coach pitches to her, she jumps out of the batters box (with jazz hands, natch) or tries to walk or tries to step on the ball so it counts as her getting hit. We are working with her on it (as are the coaches), but it does look ridiculous when facing some less experienced pitchers and she’s leaping back from balls rolling by her feet or bouncing before the plate, haha! I love a team sport for camaraderie  and her doing something she needs to work at, so we’ll see how she works this out this summer (or at least watch “the show” each time she bats)!

Four I’m still really in my feels about how awful last week was, but I’m also trying to remember to be present in my life. These days aren’t guaranteed and I don’t want to be so lost in my list that I miss the point of the whole thing

Five This was our only summer week my guy and I had to work and we had no camp. LM has been hammock reading and writing stories and drawing pictures… and messaging me incessantly when I’m at work, purposefully interrupting her dad’s calls, and making us remember why we save up for camps all year, haha!

Here’s to treasuring summer weekends and the wild workdays in between! 


  1. Awww! I totally empathize with the fear of getting hit by a pitch! I hope she and the coaches find a way around it.

    Sounds totally natural to me that you would still be reeling from last week. That was a lot of emotional heaviness to carry. Hoping you start feeling a bit lighter as the days pass.

    1. Oh, that was my softball (and team sports MO), too! Duck and cover was my only move haha!

  2. I often wondered how the girls at my school on the cheerleading/flags/pom squads knew how to do the hair and makeup things they did. When did they learn to do perfect cat eyeliner and French braid twists? It's like we call came to ninth grade and they'd had a lesson and I didn't. It's kind of nice to hear other adult women admit they don't know how to do that stuff, either!

    1. Oh, I feel so seen! I’ve always been so lost at all of that (the braids, the eyeliner, curling irons) and felt like I missed some critical week where it was taught! I’m so glad for tutorials and friends and babysitters for carrying me (and plan to stay in my “book, tv, and movie recommendations lane haha)…

  3. I actually DID get hit by a softball when I was in university and on a slo-pitch team. I took a line drive RIGHT IN THE THROAT. I had to go to the hospital and everything to make sure that my trachea wasn't collapsing but happily, all that happened is that I had a bruised voice box. So I understand the fear!

    1. That. Is. Terrifying! I can’t imagine! My guy got hit in the throat/chest by a rogue throw earlier this season and he was bruised for weeks, oof.

  4. Yes, I'm trying to treasure all the days of summer and be present! Sometimes I just keep looking forward to the next thing and before you know it... summer is over.
    I'm glad you're going forward with the hike! Now that you're truly committed, you'll find a way to make it work. Remember- courage comes before capability and confidence. You will get there!
    It's good for LM to have a "boring" week- although I agree it can get out of control. My daughter is in camp this week and I'm very happy about it!

    1. To be honest, sometimes I feel like the camps are also for me (and the gift of joy being a “cruise director” really does offset the cost haha!)…

  5. Oh, boring weeks. How I miss them! Fond memories of afternoons spent reading, playing Nintendo (LOL) and days at the pool. Tell LM I will let her take on my stuff for a week and I'll be lazy, okay? ;) (Ah, the 'joys' of adulting...)
    So, I'm curious - did LM see someone (your guy?) get hit? Did she almost get hit by one of the "super-pitchers"? Or is it just that they were really really good? I hope that she does come through to the other side. Not fun to have that happen when you're doing something you (presumably) enjoy. :P


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