September Sixteen

 I have so much blog catching up to do. Lil Momma turned 11 and starts middle school on Wednesday. The Mr. and I celebrated our 19 year anniversary. Summer kind of spiraled and so did I with the stressful work situation (which should be resolving in the next few weeks), getting ready for school and after school activities, and looking at all the things I wanted to get done this summer that just didn’t happen. I keep trying to write about those things, but I get brain freeze. It’s all just so heavy and so much  

Instead, I’m just going to allow myself to move on and talk about what I’m doing in September. I was talking to one of the women on my team who has just bought her first house and I reminded her to take care of herself alongside of everything on her list. I think I was super cliché and told her to treat herself like a plant and remember that she needs sunshine and water and someone to say nice things to her every now and then. And that’s exactly what I need to do for myself during this month of change and upheaval.

I haven’t done great with goals the last couple of years, So what I’m calling these are intentions. Hopefully, I can do these things more days than not and come out of this month feeling a little proud that I took care of myself while I was taking care of everyone and everything else.

Long story short, ha ha, here are my September Sixteen:

Six Habits I’d Like to Encourage

Shower every morning 

Showering at night is not serving me nor my hair well. I’m bringing back morning mental health showers. 

Drink water every morning

Not seltzer, not flavored water, not the oatmilk in my smoothie. An Owala or Big Green of just normal water before lunch. That’s it. 

Have a vegetable every day

I hate that things so overwhelming, haha. But we have been having bagged salads at night so it seems doable. 

Take a walk every day 

I’ve been walking outside while LM had her August dance tuneups 3 nights a week and it was just the best mental health and move my body break that I knew I needed but never take the time for. 


Read a book every day

Ugh, I haven’t been reading. I feel guilty because I have so much to do and think (worry) about. But I love reading! It makes me feel like me! I was inspired by a Lazy Genius podcast to not see my to do list as a morality check (messy house bad, taking a break lazy, etc.) and am trying to put this into action. 

Do 3 workouts each week 

I am starting weekly PT for my arch/ankle, so I’m saying that 1/3 of this should be a shoe in, haha!

But, what about the other 10, Lindsay?

Here’s the thing: I have been trapped in functional freeze for a bit. There are so many little tasks (and some not so little) that are the definition of easy to get done that I have not been able to bring myself to do. So, here’s to getting 10 tasks of any size done. I’ve been avoiding mail and decluttering and paperwork and phone calls and appointments… finding 10 things is easy (and hopefully getting them done will be, too). 

Is September a fresh start for you? Or are you still in summer-mode?


  1. Yes! I can relate! There are a ton of little annoying things going on that are overwhelming me and making it hard to blog. And then I start feeling like I'm "behind" on the blog which makes a fun hobby not fun. Just move on!

    I hope the work sitch clears up because...oof.

    Your 16 list is genious - six self care/fun things and 10 "c'mon get that done already things". I might just have to steal this for myself.

    1. Another couple of weeks of work ick, sigh. I am glad to have my goals and avoidable things to unavoid to keep my brain busy!

  2. These seem all doable, I know you can do them!!! Go Lindsay!
    I don't really know if September is a fresh start - it used to feel that way, but now, well, it just feels like regular life.

    1. I love that, Nicole! I am in such a weird season where so much feels drive by the school year (but I know it won't always be that way...).

  3. Okay, you're inspiring me! I wasn't thinking of September as a fresh start- maybe because school already started three weeks ago, so this month just feels like a continuation. But Gretchen Rubin says "September is the new January." I'm going to make a list of September intentions- it might not be 16 though.
    Yours are good- and I'll chime in to say that there have been times of my life where I feel like I'm too busy to read, but I ALWAYS feel better and more like myself when I have a book going.

    1. You all start so early, Jenny, but you get out so early, too!! You are so right, I always feel better when I have a book going. Being intentional about reading this week was such a great way to focus my brain.

  4. I have been in SEPTEMBER mode since we returned from our trip two weeks ago. After our return I was like "done with summer!" gimme fall" . The list is awesome.

    Honestly, my goals for September are: set routines and enjoy the start of fall. I am excited for the new school year for me and the kids, I am ready for full paychecks to start rolling in, and I do better with structure.
    On my list: get into a back to school routine, clean up the garden, burn some fall candles, decorate the house, continue with yoga, get a massage. Nothing fancy, just things for my mental health.

    1. BTW the 10 little big things list idea is awesome.

    2. We do better with structure, too! After school activities start for us next week and LM and I are so ready to be in a better rhythm.

  5. Brand new school year starts tomorrow! While I am a twelve-month employee, my job does change when the students come in. Fresh start! My life also has some pretty sucky stuff right now and sometimes I just have to remind myself that five minutes listening to music and dancing is GOOD FOR ME. And then do it.

    1. It's the "then do it", right? You are so in my thoughts right now <3 but also do the things that give you a moment of break or joy or whatever. I always have the best "good for me" intentions but they are the first to fall off my list - but not anymore! All the information is on the task, Engie!

  6. Even though I've been out of school for SO LONG and don't have kids, there is still something about September that feels fresh and new. Maybe it's the start of football and fall, and my favorite stretch of months ahead of me. I'm not sure, but it feels good!

    I hope September is a period of rejuvenation and lightness for you! I love your goals. <3

    1. Thanks for the goal love - you are such an inspiration! And, yay for football starting last night! The Mr checked it out (...while I read, haha).

  7. September is the start of the year, of course! I hope that your 16 things (LOVE the idea of the "10 tasks"; just checked off 2 this morning, myself) give you some direction and guidance. Sending all the positive thoughts your way as I know the transition has been, shall we say, challenging. Hugs.

  8. Change happens in small increments. You can't change everything at once. Good for you for starting with these six intensions.

    I cannot believe it's almost October. I am still very much in summer mode.


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