Five Friday Thoughts

 1 this week was oof. Just hard and awful and messy and sad. My poor mom was back at the hospital and was moved to a rehab - not our worst loop with this, but still disruptive and a bummer. Worse was that one  of the younger students at Lil Momma’s school passed away at the start of the week and it’s been emotional and devastating and  still the last week of school with all the events and moments and things to do. I’m  more than a little thrown - but, incredibly grateful for my little family and this life and each day (even the messy ones)

2 there’s no segue - not even going to try. I had one of those weeks at work where I literally messed up everything. I was covering for my boss and trying to be me and it was almost an out of body experience as I kept making mistakes. What do a typo in an email I’d usually catch and accidentally telling an exec they were sabotaging my forum in front of 300 people have in common? Well they’re two things I don’t usually do but sure as heck did this week! Sigh. Here’s to starting over on Tuesday. 

We are halfway done with Recital June! LM did so well at her voice recital - she knew her words and sounded so sweet during both her songs. Last week’s piano recital was a trip - 85* inside, 50 kids, and LM (dressed like an emo 90s kid) sits down with no music and just powers through her song. Next up this weekend is Beauty and the Beast for her musical theater class. She hasn’t been thrilled with the experience (it’s her first year in a preteen class and she’s not used to being the youngest or ensemble roles), but she’s ready to take the stage as the Enchantress/Silly Girl #3 and that’s all we can ask for. Our final recital is dance next weekend; 4 costumes, one last dance bun, and the priceless feeling that she doesn’t have another show until the end of July! 

4 I’m finally feeling better, but I don’t have anytime to catch up on anything between driving around for my mom, all of LM’s events and activities, and everything else. That hike in August? We’ll see what I can do in the next 6 weeks. Sleep and rest and catching my breath? There’s always hope in July. Seriously, though, I need to get back on my own priority list, even if it’s just baby steps. 

5 I hit my 200 day in a row of Italian lessons and I realized that while I say I’m incapable of streaks because I crumble under the pressure, I’ve done ok with this one because the longer my streak goes on the app gives me streak “freezes” where I’m not dinged if I miss a day.  Although technically not a streak, earning these freezes has lessened the stakes of a daily activity and allowed me to stick with it. I think I’m going to try to apply this to some of my screentime and step goals to see I can extend the momentum. 

This was all over the place - but so am I, haha! Here’s to small joys over the weekend and better weeks!


  1. Oh my goodness, a student DIED? A young child? This is just awful news and I am sure everything has felt terrible this week. How very sad. I hope your mom is doing better. It's so stressful to care for parents and children at the same time.

    1. My heart just broke - such a heavy week. But, we are showing support where we can and my girl and I are trying to be more appreciative of our days. Mom is headed back to assisted living today, so it's a lovely sign to see progress in the messiness of it all!

  2. Oh no -- I am so sorry to hear about the death in your daughter's school. There was a recent death in a program my daughter attends, and while I did not know the student or his parents, it was still so awful. It is devastating when a child dies. Devastating.

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom's health issues, too. That must be so hard. I hope she is doing better.

    The small joys you posted about are wonderful, and I hope the ups outnumber the downs.

    1. There just aren't words - it just landed so hard even though I don't personally know the family. I've become so weepy in my 40s and some of it is being a parent but some of it is just being a person, too.

  3. Oh, a death at your daughter's school?! That must be so hard to deal with. I hope your daughter is doing okay, along with everyone else. It can definitely change the tenor of how an organization feels when an unexpected death happens.

    Hugs to you and hope that next week things turn around.

    1. Thanks so much! We are trying to muddle through and bring some good energy to this week. LM is in her pajamas reading on a hammock, so I kind of like that as a symbol of figuring out where we are at!

  4. What a hard, hard week. Tragedy is so sobering and also emotionally exhausting. You feel guilt and relief (it's not in your immediate circle) and fear and sadness and just...everything. I'm so sorry you had to go through so many hard things simultaneously.

    Hoping things turn around and I'm so glad there were bright spots, especially with LM doing so so well with her extracurriculars.

    Hugs <3

    1. Thanks, friend <3 I really appreciate it! My girl is such a source of light; her musical theater recital was a nice boost to end a hard week with!

  5. I'll echo the previous comments- a death at your daughter's school must be devastating. And, that is very tough with your mom. Both those things are draining, and then you had a FULL week of activities on top of it all. I love it when my kids are busy- SORT OF. I know it's good for them, but I get exhausted with all the driving and time involved.
    I hope this week is a little more calm, and you can get some hike training in : )

    1. I was just talking about this, Jenny! My daughter loves being busy and doing things - and her behavior and everything is better when she is busy and doing things - but, I don't know if I am personally better when she is doing ALL THESE THINGS....

  6. Oh. Oh, Lindsay. I am so, so sorry to hear about the death at your daughter's school, and the heaviness that has weighed on you this week. No wonder you were off at work. I mean, who would not have been? Please continue to give yourself grace... with the very occasional work stumbles, the difficulty finding time for self-care. You are doing your best - and life is not easy, much of the time. Hang in there, and welcome to the beginning of not-as-many-recitals July. :)


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