Five for July

 I should be giving an update on my “23 things I want to do in 2023” or my hike prep or recital season… but, instead I’m writing about how I’m both giving myself grace and refocusing some energies since it seems this year (so far) has been more about surviving instead of thriving.

I did a time tracking exercise for a couple weeks in June and I learned that while I am very good at prioritizing my family and taking care of my mother and doing my job, I am very bad at holding time for me to take care of myself, or do things for myself, or just sit with myself. 

It’s not a surprise that I feel really burnt out – no, I feel wrung out - which is not how I want to move through this life or role model being a complex and messy and curious person for my daughter.

This picture of Lil Momma’s tap shoe that broke the night before the recital seems quite apropos for some reason?

So, on this first of the month and kickoff to the second half of the year, I am giving myself the gift of a reset. Smaller intentions connected to the larger purpose of being present in a kinder human to myself

One I’m a happier person when I move my body. Even if it’s just five minutes, I’m going to find time for intentional movement most days. 

Two I wilt in the heat on my best days and that “wrung out” analogy above could be applied to my water intake as well, ha ha! I’m going to fill up my water bottle each morning which will hopefully domino into feeling hydrated 

Three i’m going to let myself be a messy writer. I keep waiting for the perfect moment to sit down and craft a post or work on a poem or a story, and that’s just not where I am in life. I’ve always loved bits of ideas in my phone’s notes or random emails to myself from work with the hint of some thing that could be bigger. It’s ok to do things that way right now.

Four Now that I fired my nutritionist (that’s a whole story in and of itself), I want to keep some of these new habits, but make room for vegetables and enjoying food or dinner out or baking again.

Five I want to remember that the little things are the big things and savor them. My morning coffee. Dance breaks with Lil Momma. Watching Bake Off with Luke. A great read or a really amazing podcast. Making dinner. Connecting with a friend. 

So, I survived the June gloom (in so many ways) and am excited to reset and revive and feel more like myself. Hope you are well and ready for some (possibly messy) more frequent posts from me! Happy July!


  1. How on earth is it the second half of 2023 already? I am sorry you're feeling wrung out but I think a reset is a splendid idea and I hope you'll be able to tend to yourself a little bit more in the next few month, because remember, nobody can pour from an empty cup!

  2. I am excited for more posts! Also, would love to know the nutritionist story. It sounds like a good one. You do sound pretty burned out and I really hope you can carve out some time for a reset and some rejuvenation. You've been through a lot lately and you deserve the same love and care that you give to the people in your life. xo

  3. Life is...tiring. I'm sorry you've been through so many tough events lately, but love your renewed focus and what a great action plan! Little decisions - like staying hydrated and enjoying a great baking show - can have a disproportionate impact on mood and happiness.

    Can't wait to read more posts <3

  4. I would also be interested in the nutritionist story. I always want to hear about how other people are managing food. Why is it so complicated?
    Yes, be a messy writer! Believe me, half the time when I publish a post I'm questioning who in the world would want to read it. But I publish anyway and move on.
    Glad you survived the June gloom and are ready for a new month!

  5. I'm so glad to see you resetting to help yourself, along with everyone else. I'm super-curious about the nutritionist, primarily because you refer to making room for vegetables. Did the nutritionist not emphasize vegetables? (And if so, huh?) I am hopeful that your pledge to be a messy but more frequent writer comes true - and that I am inspired by your example, because I get caught in the same "it must be perfect!" trap. :)


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