3 small joys

 Things have been quiet over here and may be quieter for a bit. As often happens with dementia mixed with other chronic conditions, my poor mom has gone downhill quite suddenly and I’m trying to navigate what’s next and Lil Momma (and work and life and the fall), with still some small hopes that she’ll bounce back a bit as she’s done countless times. 

So, for this next chunk of time, I’m dedicating my writing brain space to small joys and hot takes on whatever I’m watching or listening to; a diary of distractions.

1  We’ve started the British show Taskmaster over from the beginning. British comedians, inane challenges, sarcastic hosts - the perfect way to get me out of my head for a bit. We’ve even met Lil Momma watch here and there and it’s amazing to watch her dissolve into giggles (and adds tension as we hope some of the naughtier references go over her head)!

2. This life moment coincides with my busiest two week period at work; all presentations to large groups, engagement campaigns, and spreadsheets (my job is wild, I know haha). On a particularly hard work from home morning, I was doing a report out on video when Luke army crawls into my office and hands me my favorite ice coffee from a little place in town. It was so good and I felt so cared for - and the person on my call thought a coffee rising up from below was hilarious  

3. The other day, I was in the upstairs bathroom taking some deep breaths (as one does), when I looked out the window and saw one of my birds I watch on my birdcam fly over and land on the windowsill. We had a whole moment, just chilling together, and then they flew back to the woods. It was just the best.

Gratuitous pic of Bella’s underbite, just because.

Hope you’re having a good week and finding small joys in the great and harder moments!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. It is so hard to watch those we love struggle with declining health. I wish I could take all the pain and heaviness away, but sending love from afar.

    That iced coffee story epitomizes love and joy. What a bright ray of sunshine in a hard time.

    Thinking of you...<3

    1. Thanks so much, Elisabeth! Your new blog title hits home for me in so many ways right now!

  2. I am so sorry about your mom. That's such a hard thing to handle. These are lovely bits of joy - especially the coffee, what a funny image - in such a hard time.

  3. Oh J. I'm sorry you and your mom are going through this.

    The coffee rising from below is so sweet and darling and funny and charming. I'm glad you have some good supports in place.

    1. Thanks so much - my guy is the best (even when he steals my leftovers for lunch) (not that that happened recently)!

  4. Oh, I know how hard that is. I'm sorry you (and your mom) are going through this. You need all the support you can get. Nice job picking out the joys in an otherwise stressful time!


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