Friday Figures

5 things I did for myself this week

One I made a phone call I’ve been dreading 

Two I bought new hair elastics for me and Lil Momma 

Three I found out my mom’s bank has a walk-in notary and solved a months long problem

Four I ate a real dinner on Thursday 

Five I picked up my holds from the library!!

2 bummers from this week

One Lil Momma got sent home with the “bug” on Thursday - poor kid is having an oof end to October

Two my Chromebook is still MIA, so blogging and commenting is extra challenging (but hoping to keep searching during what will be a quiet weekend due to #1)

2 things I’m looking forward to 

One Lil Momma is doing Matilda Jr in her musical theater class for the next 6 months and the cast list should be out this weekend!

Two I’m trying 2 new mystery series and my holds came in

And one bonus anecdote

 I have been buying random little fall decorations - skeleton dogs and dragons - that balance Luke’s love of horror and my love of cute, weird things (I have a whole plan to dress them up for Christmas). I saw a lantern online that looked perfect for our tv stand - owls, moons, stars - and bought it (and forgot it) (oops). Earlier this week, I came home and saw a huge box on the island addressed to me… apparently, the lantern was like 2+ feet tall! Oops! Now I’m just hiding it around the house trying to see how long it takes Luke to notice it (5 days and counting as of this moment)…

Do you like numbered lists? Did you ever make a size mistake ordering things online? 


  1. Hahaha, oops!! It's really cute though!

    1. I finally had to show it to him because he never noticed and I have no game face apparently haha!


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