A #NaBloPoMo appreciation

After being an avid blog reader for years, what finally gave me the boost to start this wildly random space was last year’s #NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month - see San’s amazing write up here). I love the heartfelt posts, the random posts, the struggling for topics posts… November isn’t always the easiest month but having the content helps keep me content and I’m awed by the creativity and consistency these writers display day after day. Slowly, I dared to start commenting after years and years as a lurker and then, mid-December, I went for it and started posting myself here. 

For a year where I hoped to be steady, I’ve had more than a few wobbles. I know this isn’t my year to commit to the finish line, but I hope to comment as much as I can and write here when I can - consider it practice for next year? (possibly) (no promises) 

Here’s nighttime Harold just for fun!


  1. Aww, Lindsay. I did not know that. That's beautiful. You don't have to be a daily writer to be embraced by the community... but I am so glad you I am so glad you gave this a go. And thanks so much for the shoutout and your support. You're definitely become part of our awesome community <3

    1. Thanks so much, San! It's wild to think that I was still overthinking comments at this time last year haha!

  2. Hi Harold! And this community is just...awesome, and made more so by your presence in it <3

  3. Hey Lindsey. So nice to get to know you. I will be looking forward reading what you put out. And don't worry if you don't post every day. It should be fun overall.

    1. Nice to meet you, Tobia! I loved the MAGIC list on your site today - that is such a lovely focus for the year.

  4. Awww, Harold at night! Love it! And yay for this blogging community and new ventures and new friends!

    1. Harold is just distinguished day AND night - I love it!

  5. So you started blogging because of NaNoPoMo? That's so cool. I've seen the concept being mentioned so many times but never dared to give it a go. Maybe next year! I love how you and others describe the community.

    1. I totally did! It really gave me the push to just try and put something out there and not be so precious about it. It's amazing where the universe gives you these nudges!


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