friday figures #1

Trying for a bit of consistency with cumulative goals and some “figures” fun…

These won’t be as long in the future – we all know I love context HAHA!


After such a difficult 2023, I decided to lean into the transitionality of this year and identify some areas of focus I’d like to work on and a handful of habits I’d like to “add up” some consistency in:


Areas of Focus:


1.   Treat myself like a person. Something Nicole said in a comment a bit back about getting ready even on days she doesn’t have plans really landed with me. Sometimes, I look in the mirror and I don’t recognize myself (and some of those mirrors are at work or out and about, oof!). My clothes are desperation purchases instead of choices, my hair is wild-in-a-giving-up-way instead of wild-in-a-curly-hair-way, my former lots of skincare, minimal makeup routine has become barely skincare and desperation lip gloss at work (and don’t get me started on missed doctor’s appointments and the idea of health maintenance)… It’s not a beauty thing, but more of a self-respect thing. I need to work on taking care of myself and respecting myself enough to show up in the world looking like ME and remembering health is a gift and I need to start taking care of this body I have, too, in this new year, sigh.


2.   Phone screens aren’t living. My smartphone screen time was a theme of last year, and continues to be this year, as well. It was hard be aware of how I was using it to distract my poor brain as things tumbled down in the fall, knowing it was already so ridiculous in “better” times. I have high hopes on making progress in this space this year and am in a better place to act on this this year.


3.   Chaos isn’t an aesthetic. The Mr. and I have a long history of decorating disagreements which, along with the wild amount of boxes from moving my mom out of her house and then taking in what she had kept in her assisted living, has led to our house not being fully “done” and, to be honest, a source of embarrassment. This is the year we put pictures up and get rid of the desperation curtains and declutter so we can clean more easily. I want this for all of us and it’s a great tangible thing to work towards.


4.   Find what brings me joy / the adventure of “what if”? I am so lucky to have my little family and wonderful friends of all kinds and this privileged life that I live… AND, we’ve had a really hard handful of years, most of which haven’t been very fun. I want to focus on finding joy in the pockets of my day and seeking it out as much as possible. I also want to try to break myself of assuming everything will fall apart or not go well, because WHAT IF IT DOESN’T? And, WHAT IF IT DOESN’T MATTER IF IT DOES? Here’s to sunsets and solo adventures and Lil Momma impulsiveness and time with the Mr. and hobbies and all of it!



Yearly Figures:


Pop Sugar Reading Challenge

I am doing the PSRC this year! It has 45 prompts + 5 advanced ones, which should give my reading a bit more structure this year, as well as help me avoid reading draughts – which is what I call when I start reading a book I’m just not vibing with and then feel like I’ll never read a book I like again and switch to reading back issues of magazines I’ve saved over the years… is that just me?



Tread Cost per Hour

I am tracking my hours on my treadmill to see how low I can get the cost per use this year (perhaps only to assuage my guilt around buying a new treadmill even though I needed one)


100 Outside Walks: 

This is an ongoing goal from last fall, but I am taking 100 outside walks to help me get over my anxiety around walking outside (so ridiculous, I know, sigh) and also get more comfortable being with my own thoughts


5,000 Peloton Minutes: 

As I ramp up my workouts again, I want to make sure I am using my membership to its fullest extent. This might be slightly aspirational for me, but it will help me go for something I might not actually get to (and that’s ok!!)



January Figures:

This month, I am trying to ease in as I have a lot of phone calls / paperwork to do for my mom’s estate and work is a legit dumpster fire. So, my markers are:

At least 10 workouts. 3 a week would get me over this #, but I’m also being thoughtful that my poor LM has come down with COVID the last 2 January’s after school comes back from winter break, so I don’t want to risk any overly ambitious aspirations angering the Universe

Average 5K steps / day. On my in-office days, this is a cakewalk (haha). On my work from home days, this is oof because I’m not good at leaving my office. I am hoping the additional workouts help me better prioritize this.

Average less than 8 hours of phone screen time per day. I feel like I’ve spent the last year talking about how bad my screen time average is but never admitting to exactly how bad it is. I doomscroll when I can’t sleep, when work gets awful, when I’m avoiding phone calls, etc. and I need to stop. Here’s to being more present (even when it isn’t fun) and breaking this habit!



Any fun planned for the weekend? Are you a habit tracker?



  1. You're more organized than I am, so far. I have to work on my January goals this weekend. You have some great goals and plans. I also would like to get our house more "homey"- I think that's one reason I hate taking down the Christmas decorations. The house just isn't pretty without them. Finding joy, treating yourself like a person, and reducing phone screen time are goals we should probably all embrace. Oh and good luck on the reading challenge! I'll be interested to hear how it goes.

    1. I am enjoying having the prompts for reading, so far! And, I so agree about taking down the decorations - but I am using that as motivation to get some of that homey feeling in our everyday "look", too!!

  2. I noticed that my husband and I spend our entire dinners at the table, looking at our phones. But we're together! Why is my phone even out? This made me think that I need to put my phone in another room when we're eating. I can make this small change in my phone habit!

    I find a lot of my days blend into one another because I have such set routines, so I have a new line-a-day journal and I've been putting something that made me happy in it every day and it really changes my focus during the day. My co-worker brought treats today, so I had a delicious and unexpected muffin today! That's what I'll remember - not the annoying emails or phone calls.

    I am so excited that you're doing the Pop Sugar challenge! Some of the prompts seem kind of hard, so I can't wait to see how you tackle it.

    1. The Mr and I have had that problem, too! It's hard after busy work days, but we try to have some dedicated "space out" time and then try to put the phones down and actually talk to each other when we catch a break.

      I agree about the prompts - some are not what I expected. There is so much math!!

  3. "Chaos isn't an aesthetic" - my house resembles that remark;-) It's not going to be any different until the kids move out and probably not even then. I gave up having a neat and tidy house when I moved in with the Hubs.

    I hope that you feel zero guilt for getting the treadmill and take on the "cost per use" challenge in the spirit of treating yourself like a person and finding joy!

    1. Oh, neat and tidy isn't even the dream, "not filthy" is HAHA! I just need some better routines and to make it feel less like a series of mistakes and more like a purposeful mess...

      You totally called me on that treadmill remark - I FEEL SO GUILTY! I need to get over it. I am so bad at buying myself stuff.

  4. Oh goodness, this: It’s not a beauty thing, but more of a self-respect thing. I need to work on taking care of myself and respecting myself enough to show up in the world looking like ME and remembering health is a gift and I need to start taking care of this body I have...

    You worded this brilliantly, my friend. Yes, yes, yes. It's so easy to "lose ourselves" in the middle of life chaos and that feels like a true loss; we can grieve our past selves and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that you're taking steps to reclaim that respect and love for yourself.

    1. Oh my heart, thank you, my friend. This meant so much. I honestly debated if that part was too vulnerable, but it's the most true thing. <3

  5. THIS: "It’s not a beauty thing, but more of a self-respect thing. I need to work on taking care of myself and respecting myself enough to show up in the world looking like ME and remembering health is a gift and I need to start taking care of this body I have, too, in this new year, sigh." - YES, GIRL!!!! This is exactly it, when I get dressed properly, do my hair and makeup, I feel really good about myself. I feel READY for whatever may come, even if it's a day at home!

  6. Lol, maybe I should read the comments first, because Elisabeth and I had the same comment! Anyway, all the best with your goals this month. You can do it!

    1. The fact that you both called out the same thing just validated my instincts about how lovely you and Elisabeth are!!

  7. I love this -> "I want to focus on finding joy in the pockets of my day and seeking it out as much as possible." I always, always look for glimmers, every day, every morning and every evening. Little things, messy and beautiful. I love how you worded this whole post, it's just... so wonderful.

    1. Thanks so much, Daria! It's so easy to get lost in the busyness of it all...

  8. Lindsay, I may just write a post and link to this. I am in the same exact space, thinking so many of the same things (well, other than those things related to the Mr. and the kiddo). I am curious, though - what led to your anxiety about walking outside? I know what led to mine but I also know that my experiences (for someone my age) are not typical. Can't wait to see how January turns out, and the year. <3

    1. I am so behind in comments, so apologies if you get this and have no clue what it's about, haha! I had a rough experience 10 years or so ago when I taught at a local community college with a student following me out to my car that spiraled into a whole situation. Coupling that with my "normal" amount of anxiety, I get overwhelmed on the streets near my house... When I go hiking or to paths in the woods, I'm ok if there is the "right" amount of non-scary people, which is subjective and probably based on where my anxiety is at, haha! I am working on it this year because I do so love walking in the woods and it's not fun doing it with a baseline of terror, sigh.


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