friday figures v4: “why would you ever want to change your freckles?”


It’s finally February, am I right? Look at these poor, confused bulbs popping up in my front garden, sigh. I know the groundhog said spring is nigh, but I have a feeling winter isn’t done with us here in the New England just yet!


I thought I’d share how my January intentions / hopes panned out and then talk about what I’m hoping to do in February:


January Figures:


Working out / intentional movement at least 10 days = 8/10 (not bad at all!)


I think for now, intentional walks will count as workouts as I build up endurance and the habit of it. I’ll revisit in April when I have more of a base (maybe I’ll attempt the Cool Bloggers 12-3-30?!?!)


1 core/lower back strength workout I found on Google and then the rest were all Peloton (trying to add up those minutes!): 5 walks (2 of them slow after tweaking my back at Lil Momma’s chorus concert last week), 2 hike, 1 Arms & Light Weights, 1 Shoulder Mobility, & 2 Yoga Focus Flow Hips



Average 5K steps per day

I ended up taking 115,590 steps in January which averages out to 3,729 per day. Here’s to stepping it up more in the coming weeks (and maybe even getting a few walks outside)!



Average less than 8 hours of phone screen time per day

Nope hahaha! Here’s hoping for February…



And, here’s what I’m hoping for this leap-year February:


  1. Working out / intentional movement at least 15 days = I know, I didn’t fully accomplish January’s goal, so why the jump? Well, this is the goal my Apple Watch gave me for February – with the caveat that the workouts only need to be 5 minutes long, haha! I am hoping for a bit more than that, but this should be a good way to build momentum.


  1. Average 5K steps per day = I think being in-office 3 days a week will help with this, as will having more intentional movement from the above


  1. Average less than 8 hours of phone screen time per day = I think for the first time I believe I can do this, so game on!

  2. Stick to a skincare regimen = I am guilty of trying a new product for a few days or a week and then giving up on it when I don't see any change. I know, I know, this is not how skincare (or life) works. In hopes of building a better nighttime ritual for myself and committing to a product for a span of time (well, it's a short month) (but a bit longer with the extra day!), I am going to do my nighttime skincare every night in February and then see if I see any differences... 

  3. Listen to one full album per week = I was inspired by Stephany! I have an ongoing Apple Music playlist that I add random songs to when I hear them, but it has been ages since I listened to a full album end to end (that isn’t a musical Lil Momma is in, is going to be in, or has been in, haha!). 


I hope to use a lyric from these albums to spice up my Friday Figures post titles; this week’s is a line from the song “Freckles” which is off of Lawrence the band’s Hotel TV album. I listened to it on my Tuesday commute and it was such a lovely break from my regularly scheduled podcasts.


Do you have faith in Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction (or are you from a place that doesn’t predict seasonal change with woodland creatures)? Hoping everyone finds a smile here and there this weekend!


  1. I sure hope that we're getting an early spring because let me tell you I have spent A LOT of time outside with the puppy this week.

    Congrats on a solid January and a Fabulous February!

    1. Thanks so much! And, that is what I first thought of with your puppy timing, haha. That is a lot of in and out for such a grey, chilly time (but what a burst of joy to make it worth it!)...

  2. When I lived in Calgary, I always laughed about Groundhog Day because six more weeks of winter WOULD be an early spring! Here, spring can come actually early, so we shall see!

    1. Oh, what a fun change for your new location! It really is such a weird holiday / event to celebrate, just so perfectly random for February, haha!

  3. I am telling you, skincare routine takes some serious dedication...

    1. I have fallen into such bad habits with it - hopefully these basics will only build into a legit routine!

  4. Well, I say no to an early spring because I want it to stay cooler here as long as possible (sorry, all you northerners!) Has anyone ever done a study to see how often Puxutawny Phil is right?
    I didn't fully accomplish any of my January goals- but I still did better than if I hadn't set them at all, so I'm fine with it. Onward to February!

    1. I read that Phil is only right 39% of the time, but I don't have the context for how that compares to meteorologists with training and the like, haha! Here's to February!!

  5. Thanks for the update! Well done on your goals. Mine sucked- no intentional movement, like, at all. Many carry-overs onto February.

    1. Thanks - but I kept them super simple knowing how oof January can be. Just getting through it can be a goal met!

  6. Well, let me be honest. Spring is going to come when it comes it will be full of suck. It will be too hot and then too cold, it will be muddy, snow will randomly come in late April when I have too optimistically already washed my winter coat for the season and put it away, it will be beautiful for exactly one day and then it will be a million degrees and summer will arrive. Regardless of what Phil says, I will whine my way through spring.

    Have you listened to the newest Gaslight Anthem album? It's pretty good!

    1. I was just listening to Sing or Swim while cleaning out my closet!! I will have to grab the new one for a listen... maybe that is this week's end to end?!

  7. Oh! I am so happy that my album goal gave you inspiration for your monthly goals. It really is a fun goal to achieve. I'm debating between Noah Kahan and Billie Eilish for my February listen!

  8. These seem so achievable and realistic. I love the music-related one, too. I saw Stephany's comment - I'd love to know if you choose Noah Kahan as I keep seeing his name as an up-and-coming artist (and the brief snippets I have listened to confirm that I might really enjoy his music). :)

    1. Too funny - Lil Momma and I have a shared playlist for our car rides and we have a whole bunch of Noah Kahan singles but have never listened to his album straight through. I think I know what my listen is for tomorrow!!


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