17 thoughts from the dance waiting room

 Lil Momma has some ad hoc dance classes (during tech week for her show?!?) to learn her competition lyrical duo, so I thought I’d live blog my mental tangents from here in the waiting room…

I’m usually in my pajamas right now 

Tomorrow is a half day of school

7:15pm is so late to be out and about 

I hope the costume I ordered for this fits 

LM looks like such a big kid <<internal sob>>

The dog is probably going to give me a guilt trip when I get home 

There’s the other mom asking if I can bring her kid back; oof, night driving to strange houses

Do I have anything for lunch tomorrow?

Tomorrow is a half day of school

I wonder if it will be warmer tomorrow 

I wish I brought a snack. Or a water. 

We need to be at dress rehearsal by 3:45 tomorrow which means we need to leave at 3:30 which means I need to get her ready at 3 which means I need to leave the office by 2:15 at the latest which means I need to leave the office by 2 at the latest because  busses

I hope the Mr is having fun at darts

I wonder if LM will sleep after this 

Tomorrow is a hair wash day so I better set an alarm (and a backup)

I hope I left a light on for the dog 

Tomorrow is a half day of school

I hope everyone is having a good week! Happy first day of spring!


  1. I was just thinking that on Friday I should write a Five for Friday post, but I honestly don't have five things to write about and here you are with seventeen whole things, each of which could be a whole post!!

    1. I am so full of random thoughts - but coherent posts seem so far haha, sigh! Five for Friday's either come so easily to me (ALL THE THOUGHTS) or I get through 2 and then freeze completely...

  2. Late night kid activities are the worst!!!!! My kiddo has an activity lately that goes until 8:45 and I hate it. HATE. Thank goodness it's just once a week.

    1. 8:45??!?!? That is SO LATE! I could do that once for something special, but props to you for committing to that on the regular with everything else that comes from being a person and a parent.

  3. Yep- I also hate those late night activities! i also hate driving to strange places in the dark. This is all very exciting though- maybe more so for LM than for you. (On a random note, I'm wondering why March 20 was a half day of school?) Is the show this weekend? Good luck with everything!!!

    1. Sigh, I am so behind on comments. March 20 was a half day because of parent conferences. You could either go Tues after 5pm (which is what we did - I just had LM wear headphones in the hall) or on Wed from 12-5, which just doesn't work for us with our work schedules and me being in office on Wednesdays. Luckily, BOTH the conference and her wild weekend went well!

  4. This is how my brain is "working" right now, too. I can completely sympathize, except that I would have been asleep in the waiting room at 7:45 pm on a school/work night. I mean, come on, people. Sigh. Hope you all made it to performance weekend relatively unscathed.

    1. We rallied! (Well, I can't say that my brain is thinking coherently, but we are doing our best, haha!)


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