week in the life: fri april 5

The day there was an earthquake and we go see Moana 


6:54: Wake up with a start and then remember I don’t have to rush today. Consider going back to sleep but then LM comes out of her room.


7:05: After a cuddle with LM, put on some work from home clothes (t-shirt, hoodie, leggings), go to the bathroom, put in my contacts, deodorant, moisturize, and head downstairs.


7:15: Yay, coffee! Try to pump LM up for the second day of state testing (forgetting she has 3 sets of it this year, so we have to do this 2 more times)


7:45: Head upstairs to start working; notice that it’s sunny (!!!) and use that as the lead-in to my daily hello to my team.


9:10: Go downstairs to say hello to Bella and the Mr. Make my smoothie.


9:20: Back up to keep working on some slides.


10:02: Go lay dramatically in my bed to mentally prepare for my meetings.


10:XX: The bed starts shaking back and forth. I call down to the Mr. and downstairs is slightly shaking, too, and people in 3 other states on the call he’s on feel something. Apparently, it was the impact of a 4.8 magnitude earthquake in NJ (we are in southeastern MA).


10:29: Jump back online and make sure my team is ok. IMs everywhere – half my chats felt it, the other half didn’t.


11:00: The first half of my team meeting is all earthquake talk; the second quarter is venting about the week; the last bit is all weekend plans.


11:42: Head down for lunch. Catch up with the Mr. Do a quick 10-min walk.


12:55: Quickly spray and scrunch my hair because my 1pm meeting is ON VIDEO! ON A FRIDAY?!?! THE AUDACITY!


1:10: The meeting facilitator accidentally insults the ridiculous amount of work the rest of us on the call do for the topic. We rage and rant for the rest of the meeting.


2:00: Jump on a call with my boss; end up only talking about the meeting before and the earthquake.


2:40: Run for some frozen Oreos.

2:50: Start my car, change my clothes, brush my teeth, and head out to get LM from school

3:07: Hang with the other parents at pickup.

3:28: LM gets in the car. We are supposed to go to dance duo practice, but I realize I forgot her snack and cough meds. We drive back to the house, the Mr. brings them out, and we drive back to dance and make it 5 min early

3:40: She dances, I awkwardly chat with the other mom. (She remembers me from college I don’t remember her, sigh.)

4:20: As we leave, this woman brings up another sleepover! Good grief. I talk LM down in the car and we head home so she can change. 

4:45: We go to our favorite casual dinner, a diner. (Back towards dance). The Mr. follows in his car. 

4:55: Family dinner! I got an egg sandwich on sourdough and extra crispy French fries, mmm.

6:05: LM and I head 30 minutes away to see a close friend’s daughter in her middle school production of Moana Jr

6:36: Parking anxiety… the school is under construction. The GPS entrance says “do not enter - under construction” and the one on the other side says go to the other one. We text my friend and then enter the do not enter. Yikes!

6:45: See my friend’s parents and in-laws for the first time in a decade. It’s just wild. She and I had fallen out of touch but fell back in when I lost my mom. 

7:04: Moana Jr! Just as adorable and corny and sweet as middle school productions should be. 

8:04: My friend’s daughter sees LM after the show and they both burst into excited tears ❤️ they spent an evening hanging out a month or so ago and became fast friends (aka “chosen cousins”). 

8:15: We drive home and LM tells me all her stories and cries a little that she both misses her Nana and wishes she had a bigger and closer family. Sigh, it’s hard. I blanked on some of the plot points of Moana until it was too late to warn her. But I’m so glad she can talk to me about where she’s at. 

8:50: We get home and she goes up to Wordle and Duo. I get mine done, too!

9:20: She comes down to watch some female dart matches with us (the Mr. is obsessed) and Bella is not amused. 

9:35: I head up to say goodnight to her and wash my face, brush my teeth, and get ready to just stop. I’m so ready for a weekend, oof. 

9:45: In bed for CSI: Miami

10:XX: Crash (I’m assuming) (I fell asleep during the episode, oops). 

And that’s the end of the (work) week! Cheers to the weekend!



  1. Oh my goodness! You felt the earthquake. That's so scary.
    Please discuss frozen Oreos. I am INTRIGUED!
    This made me laugh: "Quickly spray and scrunch my hair because my 1pm meeting is ON VIDEO! ON A FRIDAY?!?! THE AUDACITY!" That is the definition of audacity!

    1. Minus chewy chocolate chip cookies, we eat the majority of our cookies frozen. The texture of a frozen Oreo is amazing - the filling is less super sweet and the cookies are less crumbly (although, we also love slightly stale Oreos, too...). We also eat frozen cookie dough like it is ice cream. (especially me - who isn't a big ice cream person!)

  2. Yikes to the earthquake. My only experience was back in 2010, and it was very minor. I was sitting on the couch and felt a weird bump but nothing else so I didn't think too much about it. A few days later I learned that we'd had an earthquake and I was just like "huh". We didn't get anything yesterday.

    Grr to all Friday meetings. That's what the first four days of the workweek are for.

    I've had the experience of people saying that they remember me from college when I don't remember them. I remember nothing from college and the only thing that I did there was go to classes and get my degree, so there's no reason why anyone should remember me. It's just weird.

    Congrats on the play and yay for a Bella pic!

  3. Ah, Friday!!! I like your WFH outfit : ) Wow, you guys are BUSY at night! I'm thinking LM had something every evening this week? For me, that makes a weekday extra hard. After work I like to be in my pajamas, and not out driving around and having to socialize. My daughter has two lessons a week- flute and guitar- and both teachers come to the house (of course, that's a whole other thing, making sure the house looks presentable.) And she normally has one after school rehearsal, and one at night rehearsal, from 6-8:30. That one makes me cranky. But it's not far away (it's at the school) so I really can't complain.
    Yay for the weekend!!!

  4. Hey friend! I've been following along with your posts this week as I am fascinated by people's regular, every day, lives. I need to do a similar challenge but I am not disciplined enough. Did you write the activities on paper or straight onto the post? Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your family's life!

    1. HI FRIEND!! I followed along your trip (SO AMAZING!!) but I can't comment on your blog from my phone, sigh.

      On work days, I kept an open email to myself where I would keep track and then I'd just send it to myself and put it in my blog draft on my phone for the rest of the day... On the weekend, I kept a running list in my Notes app on my phone and just tried to catch up on it whenever I sat (or laid!) down. It was really fun and definitely made me more present about what I was doing.

  5. I've never experienced an earthquake. I'm pretty sure I'd handle it a lot less gracefully than you did!

    1. Well, we were lucky that we were so far away and the bed just swayed haha! I can't imagine what I would do if the whole house was moving!!

  6. Ooh, you felt the earthquake! That's crazy. I imagine that was a hot topic of conversation on the work chats. Friday meetings should be abolished, in my opinion. I've half a mind to block off my entire calendar every Friday, lol.

  7. Your week - and evenings in particular - sounds exhausting. I don't know how you all with kids do it. (Not to mention, the angst of statewide testing and that mother who will not shut up about the sleepovers... I take it a killer glare doesn't help in this situation? Sigh...)


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