week in the life: sat april 6

Finally, a day off! We get some stuff done and then we laze about spectacularly!

7:30: LM comes out of her room and wakes us up. She jumps in the bed once the Mr. heads downstairs to advocate for a “lazy” day and I boot her and scroll a little. 

7:50: I go the bathroom and head downstairs. The Mr. and I whisper about what we could do today while LM eats breakfast with a show in the other room (and Bella begs when we aren’t looking). 

8:15: LM tries on the new hiking shoes we got her. Oof, just a bit too tight ?and I hate returning things) (but that’s a future me problem). We decide the Mr. will go food shop and LM and I will go look for spring / summer clothes and shoes for her because it’s still pretty cold and raw out and I don’t want her get-over-the-cold progress to fall apart if we go walk somewhere.

: We dig our LM’s various shorts from last year and figure out her size. She negotiates one tv show in my bed before we go and decides on dessert-first Saturday (we usually have dessert before dinner on Friday but we couldn’t make it work yesterday) instead of a fun Tarbie’s snack (Starbucks at Target) while we are out. 

9:15: Make my smoothie and read for a bit before I head up to get ready to go. 

9:40: Decide to save my hair wash for tomorrow (second day curls on Monday, wash for one big in-office meeting on Tuesday, hope for the best with day 2 curls for a presentation  on Wednesday) and spray down my hair, deodorant, moisturizer, meds, teeth, get dressed…

10:00: We are off! We have some success with shorts, less with shirts, and end on a so  with sandals.

12:30: Home for lunch. LM makes a deal that she will shower after lunch, have her tablet time, and then try on these clothes. 

12:35: I sit down with an extra chicken burger from earlier in the week and a magazine that came in the mail. Random facts about me: I love, love, love magazines and also really enjoy learning about cycling. 

1:00: LM heads up for her shower and I lay on the couch and read. It’s glorious. 

1:35: The Mr. and I have some real talk about summer camp. We have a theater camp in July but nothing else and it feels awful. We look at the flyer for the local YMCA camp and prep our talking points for seeing if LM would consider a week in June and a week in August there…

2:00: I’d lay here all day, but I need to take my walk!

2:30: I come up from my walk and LM comes down for dessert first. I run an example of the possibly camp’s schedule by her and she is open to it! (She’s archery obsessed because of the Percy Jackson series, haha, and there’s swimming.) I take 15 upstairs to email a couple of questions to the director and then dramatically lay in bed with LM’s tablet time leftovers.

3:00: The Mr. showers and LM and I get through trying on clothes. Then, we all meet up for an official family lazy afternoon. We start with the finale to the series of Taskmaster we’ve been watching. 

4:30: LM chills with a book upstairs. I preheat the oven while the Mr. plays darts in the basement and then keep reading. 

5:11: Pizza time (to Bella’s chagrin). Another random fact about us is that we love watching ultra and trail running documentaries. Tonight, one of our favorite creators, Jeff Pelletier, has a new one up about racing the Moab 240, and we are all excited to watch (LM particularly likes his trail running girlfriend, Audrée).

6:40: It was so good! And, intense! We take 15 for me to stretch, LM to gather art supplies, and the Mr. to take Bella out. 

7:00: On to this week’s new Taskmaster!

7:45: We try to play Clue but the vibes are off. Oof, this competitive family of mine.

8:30: We start another series of Taskmaster (series 13 with Bridget - LM’s choice). 

9:08: LM finally goes up to do her Duo and Wordle. The Mr. and I chat about taxes while Bella walks from one of us to the other, pretending she gets no attention. 

9:30: I head up to Duo, night skincare, glasses, meds…

9:50: The Mr. comes up after being distracted by Duo. We CSI: Miami. 

10:4X: I fall asleep. 

A no-plans Saturday where we all take needed a break. Usually, we hike or bike in the morning, but LM is still fighting a cough and it was raw and wet. 


  1. I love this day! The perfect "lazy" day is to get some big task accomplished- in this case, clothes shopping- and then take the rest of the day easy (but I see you got your walk in for CBWC!)
    Nice job on getting some camp ideas going. My daughter is currently saying she wants to do ONE week of a day camp (a jazz camp that she did last year) and... nothing else. ARG. Last year she did a one-week sleepaway camp, and she doesn't want to do it again this year (much to my chagrin, ha ha.) It's going to be a long summer.
    I hope you guys are having a relaxing Sunday!

  2. Finally the Taskmaster update I was looking for. We just watched series 5, 7, and 9 again because they're the best ones. LOL.

    1. Oh, I love 5, 7, 9 - those are my top 3 with 11 and 1 rounding out my top 5 (at this moment). Lil Momma loves 13, which we are rewatching now, and then we need to do 15 again because of Ivo Graham, who I just adore. We are all thinking of watching ALL of it again to create our top 5 contestants and tasks....

  3. I love a lazy day - but you still got a lot accomplished like clothes shopping and your walk. Great job!

    Also, your couch looks SOOO comfortable!

  4. I have loved these entries - it's so much fun to get a glimpse of your life. And you've made me grateful that my morning routine does not involve complex calculations of whether to wash my hair. :)


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