week in the life: tues april 2

 Day 2! And in-office day with a dance class and feelings at the end…

6:35 Alarm goes off. I deeply contemplate the in-office requirements that require me to wash my hair this morning, sigh. Randomly scroll of my phone. Regret not getting gas yesterday.


6:45 Quietly head into the bathroom to shower; hope I don’t wake Lil Momma up…


6:5X Lil Momma comes in while I shower and asks to skip school for the rest of the week since she has state testing on Thurs and Fri. She leaves when I say no.


7:05 Get dressed, remember jewelry, grab my laptop to pack in my bag


7:10 Pour my coffee (the Mr. left me a nice setup!); make my smoothie; pack my lunch and backpack – all while the Mr. makes LM her breakfast. 


7:25 Sit down with my coffee and chat with the Mr.


7:35 Start my car; head upstairs to brush my teeth, put on some make up, fluff my curls.


7:48 Leave a handful of minutes early to get gas. Remember my smoothie!


7:55 Gas got! Start my podcast and drive to work sipping on my smoothie.

8:25 Park in the garage; put on some lip-gloss and my badge and walk in.


8:32 Make it to my desk and log in. Catch up on this post. Say hi to my team (1 in person, 1 over IM). 


8:40 Get to work making a plan to make a plan when I get the information I need to make the plan. 


10:30 Walking 1:1 with one of the Sr. Leaders in one of the divisions I support. 


11:06 Drop by an Admin’s desk to talk about meetings we may or may not need space for. 


11:36 Stop by one of my team member’s desks to see how a meeting they had with my boss’s boss went (spoiler: it was GREAT!). 


11:48 Get an update on something that I thought was a mistake and would make something better was actually a mistake that left it a dumpster fire. 


12:02 Walk away from my spiral to heat up my lunch (oof, the rice did not reheat well). 


12:05 Eat at my desk and chat with my broader team over our cubicles; continue my spiral. 


12:46 Garage walk for 18 minutes (another CBWC star!!). 


1:10 Back at my desk with an emotional support Reese’s to prep for my 2pm. 


2:00 Meeting with one of my Sr. Leadership teams to align on making a plan to make plans. 


2:45 Back at my desk with more problems than plans. Help someone locate sticky notes and feel a burst of pride. 


4:00 Commute home

4:34 Commute home after an idea burst. Why do I get all my ideas at the worst times?!

5:10 Arrive home! Change into jeans and a t-shirt and have crunchy onions on a chicken burger while we watch an old Taskmaster. 

6:00 LM practices her dance before we go to official duet practice at 7. We get in a heated argument about which way she should be facing. The Mr. validates my opinion (it’s hard being spatially dyslexic!) and LM goes to change. 

6:30 The Mr. leaves for darts and I clean up the kitchen. 

7:00 LM and I leave for dance duet practice.  

7:15 Awkward chat with the other mom while swallowing my joy at being right about the way LM faces - and her costume fits!

7:50 As we leave dance, the other mom mentions a sleepover LM isn’t invited to (“a best friend tradition”) and we feel all the feels as we drive home, sigh.  

8:05 LM goes upstairs to do her Wordle and Duo and I do mine downstairs and annoyed-text the Mr. about what the other mom said (and then feel bad about it, oof). Finally, I  take out Bella in the rain so I can go upstairs. 

8:35 LM and I start an episode of Doctor Who in my bed (we are watching from the beginning of the modern era and are almost done with Christopher Eccleston’s series)

9:35 teeth brushed, hugs given, her white noise blaring; she takes her glasses off and chats to me for 15 minutes about memories of her Nana and feelings and dreams until I convince her to sleep.  

10:00 I text the Mr. good night and read for a bit until I crash. (He got home from darts at 12:45)

And there’s day 2; work spirals, dance drama, and cuddles with my girl. 


  1. I love that podcast! They took a long stretch off and now it's been a while again since their last episode. Hope they get a new one soon!

    1. I know! I am on their Patreon and I got so excited when episodes popped back up!

  2. Another Maintenance Phase fan here! Gah, TFW it's time to go to work and you remember that you forgot to get gas. And also TFW you've got a long day at the office and a long night to kid stuff to go to.

    1. It was such a long day - I prefer to be in my pajamas by 7pm at the latest, haha!

  3. Taskmaster in the wild! Which episode did you watch? Do you have a favorite series? I need more Taskmaster information! (The first ep of the newest season aired. I thought it was meh, but I have hopes for this season to be good!)

  4. Your job sounds... a little frustrating! I like the "emotional support Reeses" moment.
    I HATE when things like that happen... the non-invitation to the sleepover. It sounds like it may have affected you more than LM though? I'm already in mom-mode, trying to smooth things over. Could LM have a sleepover of her own sometime soon? Anyway, I love how she snuggles with you and talks with you like that at night. And, my daughter does not like hugs. SOB! My son does though, so that's good. He's just not here most of the time, sigh.

    1. It's hard to talk about work without TALKING about work, haha! I am a Sr. Manager of a small team that does internal communications and engagement activities for 2 very different large divisions at work and I also am the "squeaky wheel" of people goals and culture programs. SIGH about the sleepover... LM is just getting into a place where we would consider it, but most of her close friends are in the same place and aren't doing them regularly yet. I set up some playdates (she makes me call them hangouts now, haha) to help her feel better. I really am so lucky - she is all cuddles all the time with me <3

  5. Oh, wow. This is so intense. Being a girl at that age is SO HARD. Like...so hard. We have been in these exact situations before and they just feel soul-crushing.
    Yay for 18 minute walks and stars!

    1. I've been so down about it since it happened. I get all caught up in my own friend baggage and I know how much it means to her and especially at her age. But, we will persevere!

  6. Oh that situation with LM and her friends is TOUGH. It's so hard to feel left out like that, and I imagine it's even worse being the mom who has to watch her go through that. Ugh, girl dynamics are SO MUCH!

    Another Maintenance Phase fan here! I'm so glad they're back to producing episodes again.

    1. Friendships are HARD! It makes the name of your podcast even more validated ;)


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