ramblin’ into friday

 One This week has a bit of a slog. A regular amount of busy but it feels like my brain has been moving on .75 speed. I don’t know if this is it, but after being incredibly consistent with my allergy meds for MONTHS after buying a pill organizer, I somehow missed TWO DOSES this week – so, maybe my brain is just full of pollen and histamines? 

Two I’m having such a hard time commenting on some blogs. I get sent into a weird login loop for platforms I didn’t know I had logins for and the like. I created a new email address for me at this blog (notnecessarilyinthisorder (at) (gmail) etc.) to see if I can get around it. So, if you see that in your spam filters, it’s me!!


Three The first dance competition weekend is upon us! LM dances on Sunday afternoon and awards are at 7:30 pm (ON A SCHOOL NIGHT?!?!?) and will be doing a Duo for the first time ever. Her performances will be wild; they are all in an hour, so she’ll go from her Duo costume to her hip hop 20 minutes later to her jazz 20 minutes after that. We are super grateful this one is only 45 minutes away so the Mr. can easily come and see all 3 dances. She has talked me into driving down Saturday afternoon, too, to see some of the older kids from her dance school dance, so we should have a fun weekend together (just what we both need after a state testing week at school and me living in a brain fog all week).


Four I am one walk/run from making it through the first month of this beginner runner program I am doing. This week, I have developed a bit of a tender calf, so I am trying to be smart and not push too hard (and do all those stretches and things I probably should have been doing this whole time). With May being so May-ish, my plan for this month is to add in some quick arm and barre workouts a couple of times a week and then reevaluate where I’m at once we get through the dance comp madness.


Five I am so proud that I did 10 minute walks every day in April and so grateful to Elisabeth for putting the idea out there. I am continuing this in May, along with taking 5 minutes each day to brain dump/journal in the hopes of clearing out some of the overly busy mind symptoms I’ve been having lately.


  1. I've got a bad case of allergy fatigue and brain fog. It will clear out as soon as the pollen does, but it's annoying.

    A couple of months ago I was having problems commenting on blogger blogs - including replying to comments on my own blog! It seems to have cleared up, thank goodness.

    Hang in there school will be over very soon!

    1. 6 weeks and counting! Although, I may just be rushing summer camp drama, haha! Oof, the pollen is something brutal this year.

  2. I wonder if some of my brain fog is allergies, too. Someone told me yesterday it was "RED" where we live for allergy alerts. I really should be taking some more antihistamines.

    I'm so proud of you for walking daily. Three cheers. And wow - doing it again this month is awesome! I didn't walk on May 1st, or today - May 3rd - so it didn't take me long to get out of the routine. Some of that was on purpose, though! I thought if I kept the streak going too long in to May I'd feel obligated to keep it...and then in June etc.

    1. It's like I said I was going to continue and then immediately hurt my calf, sigh. So, I am "running" with the intention of finding pockets to walk and move in (which may be more doable during this month, to be honest).

  3. Oh boy, this weekend sounds fun... and challenging. I always feel bad complaining about kids activities- I mean I'm glad they have these things they love! But why do they have to take all weekend? And be on school nights? We had a concert last night and didn't get home till almost 11, which would be fine, unless you're me and work on Saturday mornings. Well- good luck, and I hope you enjoy it.
    Yay! You did the Cool Bloggers Walking Club AND a beginner runners program! Yes, back off if your calf is tender- no need to rush it.
    One thing I DON'T have is allergies- and reading about everyone else's issues is making me realize how lucky I am there.

    1. Oh, knock on everything about not having allergies, Jenny! I seem to get additional ones with each passing year, it seems. Working on the calf thing after being on my feet too much this weekend with LM, sigh. At least it only hurts on stairs now! PROGRESS!

  4. Whatever happened to just supplying your name and email address (and maybe blog URL) as a way to comment on blogs? Why does everything has to be a "log in"?

  5. Oh, man. Allergies. Dance weekends. Crazy excited extroverted kids. I hope you are remembering to take time for yourself, now that we are almost 1/2 way through May. You're getting closer! Closer to the end of school AND dance recitals. <3


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