walking uphill

Maybe I should have called this “Dancing Uphill” as my life is revolving around these weekend dance competitions right now, haha! A few thoughts from lately:


Lil Momma had an amazing first dance comp of the year 2 weekends ago. Her first-ever duo got one of the special judges’ awards for storytelling and they placed in their category, her hip hop dance placed in its category, jazz was adorable, and she had a wonderful time running around with her friends. Bonus, all of her dances were done in ONE HOUR. Of course, we did hang out for SEVEN HOURS to see awards (not to mention driving down the day before and having a parking nightmare from the comp and a college graduation making spots impossible – I had to drop LM off, watch her go in, and then drive to a parking garage and power walk uphill 15 minutes to get back to her), but it was all worth it to see her having a nice little moment.


Last weekend’s comp was a bit oof, to be honest. We stayed overnight at a hotel, which was so fun for LM and her friends. When we landed there after school, they swam for 3 hours after dinner and had the best time. We woke up early Saturday morningand headed to the high school where the comp was at to another parking nightmare. LM and I got there 30 min before the comp began (2 hours before she danced) and it was already full, parts of the lot were blocked off accidentally, etc. We found a spot and began our super long day – we ended up being there from 7:30am until 10:30pm and then driving 45 minutes home. Her jazz and hip hop dances were between 9-11am and then she spent the rest of the day building stress about her duo which went on at 8pm and not eating enough. Her last dance was not as “fresh” and we were exhausted, but a good lesson learned, and we would probably keep the hotel room for the 2nd day next time and go take a nap in between.

Emotional support weighted dinosaur


I am sure the exhaustion on Saturday was also emotional due to this being our first Mother’s Day since we lost my mom last November. We knew it was going to be weird and hard – and harder because of comp – so the Mr. and I chose to make sure we had a lowkey day. To distract us, I had bought LM and I tickets to see a show at her musical theater school which I thought was about being an artist; however, I had mixed it up with a show of a similar name and it turned out to be a musical about grief and loss and saying goodbye (OOPS) that we held hands and wept through. Then, we went home and had pizza for dinner followed by fun desserts and watched funny animal videos all night. LM accidentally signed my card “love, Dad” because she was with him when she signed it and it was the perfect literal LOL for all of us to wrap up the weekend.


My calf is still bothering me a bit (or, as I’ve been saying, mooing). I think I must have run too hard and not stretched enough the week before last and then walked too much the first dance comp weekend vs. resting it. I took last week off from workouts and plan to just walk and do some other stuff this week while I hopefully wrap up this niggle. I also signed up for a 2x a week at home strength program and am looking into diving into that next week, too.


Here’s to a new week and some sunshine here (for now)! Are you a confident parker or anxious like me? 


  1. Sending love - Mother's Day can be so fraught. xo

    1. Thanks, Nicole <3 sometimes you just have to wade through the feels, I'm finding (even when they're oof). xo

  2. First of all, your calf is mooing- hahahaha. I'm going to have to remember that one. Second, those are some intense dance comps! My daughter's stuff is easy compared to that. Congrats to LM- it sounds like she did really well.
    So, Mother's Day. I kind of feel like it shouldn't even be a holiday. There are too many people who have lost their moms, or want to have kids and they can't, or are estranged from their kids... it just makes people feel bad. It does get easier, but I still feel a little sad every year. Sounds like you guys ended up having a nice day.

    1. I am so glad this last comp will be done in 4 hours for us, haha! The long day was a bit too long for me and it's hard to keep LM's spirits up when I'm tanking!!

      We did have a nice day - I think acknowledging it would be weird and sad helped, so we didn't feel pressure to fake feelings or have fun we weren't feeling. Here's to getting by weird holidays!!

  3. These parent-centric holidays are so hard. Sending you lots of love!

    I have parking anxiety, too. It's something that we talk about a lot in my friend group. Anytime we go somewhere, we all need to know what the parking is like and if it's going to be difficult, there's always a request to carpool and let a driver who doesn't have parking anxiety handle it for us. ha!

  4. Mother's day always bring up so much stuff for me. Hugging you, friend.
    I have parking/getting to new places anxiety. I always leave beforehand, like you, and always research the parking situation beforehand. Especially if we have like a teacher play or something that is timed entry.

  5. Oof. Mother's Day can be such a mixed bag of feelings. I am glad you had a good day with your little fam though.

  6. Oh, Lindsay. That must have been such a heavy weekend for both of you. I am glad you were together and that the weekend ended on a fun and positive note. I suspect you got lots of hugs from your girl. <3


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