a-boot that last post

Long background story short: problems with my right foot I at first assumed was plantar fasciitis because I was a new runner but then thought was a stress fracture after further Googling…


I guess I got what I deserved in trying to self-diagnosis myself. (or, as the Mr. often says, “Doctor Google isn’t a quack!”) My lack of knowledge about foot anatomy also played a key role, as well, in both my misunderstanding of what was going on and how I actually made it worse throughout June.


The good news is that I don’t have plantar fasciitis nor a stress fracture


The bummer news is that I have this thing called posterior tibial tendon dysfunction or PTTD. My rough understanding is that this is a tendon that connects your calf muscle to the bones on the inside of your foot and supports your inside arch. When you mess it up, it can cause pain on the arch where the tendon connects (hey, that’s me!) and up through your ankle. To be honest, it gets a little dark if you dig into later stages of it (foot deformity, arch collapsing, surgery), so I am super lucky to only have a stage 1 issue going on. I was making it worse with all the calf stretching I was doing, so it is good that I went to the podiatrist when I did.


It was a quick appointment – apparently, I have a textbook case (not the gold star I was looking for, sigh) – and the doctor was noncommittal about where I’d be for our family New Hampshire vacation in August with a small hike (“I’m not going to say no way but I can’t say it’s going to happen”), as well as all real talk when I asked if I could ride the Peloton with little resistance (“Of course – as long as you keep the boot on”), sigh.


So, where do I go from here? Well, nowhere fast, literally, haha! I have this walking boot for the next 2 ½ weeks and then I go back and hopefully get referred to PT (and out of this boot – but that might be wishful thinking on my part). 


I did have a little pity party for myself yesterday afternoon (“I have to take it off to drive and then put it back on to get out of the car? HOW WILL I DO QUICK ERRANDS?!?!” “There goes Lil Momma and my weekend plans of hikes and donuts before 10am…” “Can I even wear work clothes with this?” “Can I even work out?”) but I quickly realized there are so many worse things in the world and I’ll figure this out. 


Last night, Bootsy and I and LM and the Mr. met one of LM’s besties and his mom at a clay painting place and went out for sushi. (I painted three little birds and I LOVE THEM!!) Tomorrow, I’m going to start one of the Peloton upper body splits and work on some off-my-feet core, too – both of which will be great for me. This weekend, LM and I are going to trick out Bootsy with some stickers and sparkles and I’m going to use my sourdough starter for the first time, and we’ll adapt our July and August plans as needed. We don’t know what’s going to happen!


There’s such a weird space between feeling your feels and licking your wounds and being present in a moment and wallowing, right? I know attitude (and actions) can be part of what determines how an experience will be, so I’m trying to reframe my north stars (Being healthy and strong as long as I can. Figuring out what makes me feel like a person and leaning into those things. Being a good role model for LM. Living a life vs. getting through a series of things) and keep some perspective.


Have you ever had an ill-timed injury? As a non-summer person, this only encourages me to look forward to fall walks HAHA!


  1. Ooh.. I’m glad it wasn’t a stress fracture. But it still doesn’t sound fun. I’m glad you got some answers, and help, however!
    Talking of ill-timed injuries… the gardening season had barely started when I got tennis elbow from pulling large weeds. (And PLENTY more work to do that I now can’t do) But this is nothing conpared to my stress fracture last summer so I don’t complain too much.
    I’m glad you keep up the core and other strength work! I hope you get rid of the boot asap. You have a great attitude.

    1. I am hearing of so many people with gardening-related injuries lately. I may cross it off my "summer hobby possibilities" HAHA! Hope your elbow feels better soon!

  2. HUGS! I love the last paragraph about being present and still feeling the feels.
    Picture this.

    Me: 5 months pregnant with R. L is 2.5 at the time. Husband leaves in the morning for his business trip, I go outside to say goodbye, and somehow, somewhere, bed my ancle and fracture the side of my left foot. Except I don't know it yet. I mean it hurts but the husband leaves. 30 minutes later, the foot blows up. I still go take a shower, place myself in the car, place L in the car, we go the the podiatrist. No x ray because- pregnant. They do a local ultrasound- and make a prediction - prediction! - about the injury.
    Now picture this: me, with a belly, in a boot, on crutches, with a 2.5 year old slowly going to the car.
    Yep. Will never forget that.

    1. Daria, that story is WILD! A "prediction", the timing, the picture of poor you trying to get the car with the boot, belly, and L! That is the definition of "ill-timed" YIKES!

  3. Oh bummer! What a bother. But I guess as you say there are worse things in life, but still, ugh.
    I had a big hip injury in 2019, two days before I was to run my first road race. It sure taught me a lot about people with chronic pain and limited mobility, I'll say that. It was many months before I could walk without limping.

    1. Such a great point, Nicole! After going through my whole rotator cuff/radial nerve drama in 2020-2021, it really emphasized how limited mobility can shrink someone's world so severely... And, 2 days before a race? Oof. Talk about bad timing. Hip injuries are so challenging.

  4. I fell on the ice in early December many years ago and broke my leg spectacularly. I was bedbound for eightish weeks and it was holidays and depressing and I'd like those two months of my life back. I had a boot JUST LIKE YOURS for a few months after the cast came off and the boot was eight million percent better than the cast because I could shower. And when I threw the boot in the dumpster at the end of everything, I was ecstatic. So, yeah, ill-timed, but now entire days go by when I don't think about the injury.

    1. We are so on the same page! Lil Momma and I were talking about how she could DO more in the outside world with her broken wrist than I can with this boot, but I can shower freely where we had a whole multi-person system for the cast which really changes which we'd rather.... I can see how that can become all-consuming, even once you're out of the boot, though! 2 months is a long time and it's even more stark when it's a holiday or milestone-ish moment.

  5. ARRRRRG! To answer your question, I've had more ill-timed injuries than I'd like to remember. I think the "best" one was where I went through an entire marathon training cycle, and then got injured during the taper and had to miss the race. That one was fun.
    I think I know where you're at. On the one hand, this totally sucks. But then you think about how much worse it could be (like, people are paralyzed) and you feel guilty for complaining. But it messes up your whole summer! But at least you can shower! etc. etc. All you can do is stay positive- it WILL heal. I've had so many injuries that seemed daunting and hopeless, and every single one of them healed- this will too. In the meantime you're doing everything right- just keep moving and do what you can. Any strength training and core work will help you tremendously! Then you'll get the boot off and start PT... it might be a long road, but eventually there will come a day where you'll say, "Wait- WHICH foot was the one I injured?" i promise! In the meantime... I know it's hard, but keep trying to be present and enjoy the moment. Life is still good!

  6. Gah, this really sucks! I'm sorry you're having to deal with life in a boot. That has to be so unpleasant! Hopefully it's something that will heal up within a few weeks and you don't have to abandon all of your summer plans.

  7. Oh no, I am so sorry about the PTTD.... that really sucks (although I am still glad it's not a stress fracture, although it almost sounds like that would have been an "easier problem" to fix? I don't know). The boot sucks for sure... but I like that you're trying to look at the bright side of things.
    I have not yet had any injuries from running, fingers crossed.


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