happy lists

 5 small things that bring me a surprising amount of joy

One: My line a day journal letting me end my day reflecting and not on a screen

Two: Lil Momma coming home from her YMCA camp having made a new friend

Three: AC in my car commute home during the heat wave

Four: Picking up library holds

Five: Convincing an entire breakout room in an work meeting to watch the new Doctor Who season


3 things that make me feel like me (inspired by my current binging of the Lazy Genuis podcast)

One: sitting on the couch reading a book

Two: comfy jeans and a tank top and sandals

Three: baking / cooking something on the weekend when I have time


1 thing bringing me down

Sigh, I think I might have a stress fracture in my right foot; plantar fasciitis may have been a red herring. I have a podiatrist appointment tomorrow with an x-ray and we will see what actually is wrong and what it means for my summer plans….


1 reframe of what’s bringing me down

I guess if I have an injury I sustained running, then I’m a runner? Maybe? As someone who feels like I wear working out like a costume, it kind of feels wild that this is how I hurt myself HAHA



Do you number your lists? Bullets? Dashes?


  1. Sigh, I don't know whether I'm hoping that it's a stress fracture or PF. I feel like PF last longer but it feels wrong to hope for the fracture. But in any case, yes your runner's card has been validated.

    Comfy jeans are always a must!

    1. I kind of felt the same way - PF seems so squirrely and hard to break free from, at least a fracture would heal?

  2. Replies
    1. I'm at the point where I just want to know what it is, haha!

  3. Oh NO about a possible stress fracture! But keep in mind that a stress fracture doesn't show on a normal x-ray until after 4-6 weeks when it's started healing and to really diagnose it you need an MRI. (I'm sorry for sounding negative but I don't want you to have everything delayed and go through what I did) I hope it's something else though!
    But also, of course you're a runner if you run! And I like the idea of reframing what's bringing you down. Very healthy!

    1. Sigh, I had a feeling about the x-ray vs. MRI. I think what I'm really looking for at my appointment this afternoon is for the podiatrist to validate that something is definitely wrong with my foot and that it's acting more like a stress fracture than PF. My pie-in-the-sky dream would be for some sort of instruction on how I can keep up with my life without making it worse (as it seems like my movement heavy in office days and LM's preferred hang out activities - shopping and walks - are not helping me)...

    2. I wish you good luck and a good podiatrist, I hope you get some useful info! And I think Jenny is right - 2-3 weeks until it shows on an x-ray (I think I got the 4-6 weeks from the usual time in a boot) but the key thing is that there has to be a healing process for it to show up. I feel your pain and frustration VERY much.

  4. Yes to what Susanne said- a stress fracture won't show up right away on an xray. But you've had this for a while, right? I've heard that it can show up on an xray after two weeks- but Susanne could be right. The good news would be- stress fractures heal and it doesn't really take THAT long. Especially if you've already been dealing with it for several weeks- you could have just a few weeks to go (if it is, in fact, a stress fracture.) PF can go on and on- you could try all sorts of expensive treatments- not covered by insurance of course- and STILL have pain. A stress fracture is more straightforward. Well- I hope you get an answer SOON.
    I'm glad you have so many things bringing you joy! AC in the car and picking up library holds also bring me a lot of joy. And, sitting on the couch reading a book- definitely me.

  5. Sorry to hear about the possibility of stress fracture or plantar fasciitis. Hope one or the other resolves soon!
    Lists... I love lists. I use circles/bullets to create my lists. Interestingly, I do not number them.
    I love the Lazy Genius podcast and Kendra the host:)

  6. PF is harder to heal than a stress fracture. So is that an improvement on the framing?

    Something that makes me feel like me: I was standing up from digging around in the totes under my bed and hit my chin on the wooden foot of our bedframe. It hurts like hell if you touch my chin right now. It's on brand with my style of clumsiness, though. AND!! It hasn't bruised, so that's good because I don't have to explain my clumsiness.

  7. I am glad you're getting your foot checked out again... and I am sorry you're still dealing with this. I hope you find the source of the problem (and it's an easy fix).

    I also feel like myself in jeans, tank top and sandals :)


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