monday musings #1

 I think I’ve been letting the false idea that I’ll find the perfect time to write a post and edit and tweak and etc. get in the way of actually writing anything. So, here’s to a June of rambles and randoms and not replying to things in my head, haha!


Lil Momma and I have been taking walks in the woods on the weekends in our year of living dangerously with the pollen counts and working on our endurance. Also, we are doing a 2-mile Walk to End Alzheimer’s in the fall, as well, and she wants to be super ready (she specifically asked that we find a “walk” and not a “race”, but she still wants to train, haha). 2 weekends ago, she was super whiny from mile 1 because she actively chose not to bring water even though her mother recommended it multiple times, haha sigh. We’ve been watching all these ultra running documentaries, so I decided for this weekend’s adventure to be inspired by them by both making her carry water AND bringing fun snacks to “fuel”. Let me tell you, a lemonade-stuffed Twizzler made all the difference to her mood a mile in and once we got back to the car! And, we saw a deer! It was a lovely morning together. 


We are in the final 5th grade countdown! We had one snow day this year and unfortunately it has pushed the last day of school to be a HALF DAY on MONDAY June 17. LM is quite annoyed at having to go back on a Monday, but it is what it is. I feel pretty good about our camp plan for the summer: She has the week school gets out as a free week (but I have Juneteenth off mid-week to get her out of the house). Then, she does a week at the YMCA camp down the street from us which looks fun; they do swimming and archery and all sorts of fun. I have the first week of July off with her and then she goes into theater camp for the rest of that month – they are doing Newsies! Then August is a week of art camp, family vacation week, 2 weeks of YMCA camp, and then her birthday week leads school starting right after Labor Day. I do worry about how she’ll be and how we’ll get her places with my in-office days, but it’s nice to know the plan is mostly in place.


Recital June kicks off this weekend with LM’s voice recital (and dance pics an hour later, sigh). Then, Matilda is next weekend. THEN, dance is the following weekend and we’re done. For voice, she is singing “Castle on a Cloud” from Les Mis and “When I Get My Name in Lights” from The Boy from Oz. I am spending my lunch today trying to edit a voice memo of “When I Get My Name in Lights” because she and the accompanist stopped so many times that she has no way to practice it, oof. Fingers crossed we get through this.


Obviously, it’s been a lot of parenting and brain space given to parenting planning lately. I am working on taking better care of myself this month – I may even take next Monday as a day to myself before the summer madness begins. My calf is feeling better so I’m restarting my beginner runner plan tomorrow, too. 

Hope you are having a great start to the week! We have clouds of pollen coming off the trees, so it’s a weird green hazy here.


  1. Pollen season! We are in the thick of those fuzzy white puffs from poplars floating around. I personally am unaffected but I'm in the minority in this house!

    1. Well, I am glad you are not impacted and can breathe! I can't imagine with how nature-surrounded you are.

  2. My allergies have been awful lately! It seems like an especially bad year?
    Love all your goals. Three cheers for June and a fresh start for all of us!

  3. I've lost so many posts to trying to find the right words, the right time, yada yada. Yay for sitting down and just writing!

    And yay for "training" for a 2 mile walk! You'll have some lovely times this summer plus the event itself.

  4. Ha, yes fueling in the middle of an endurance event makes all the difference! Bring all the water and Twizzlers (actually, those twizzlers sound good- I would have eaten one during my race.)
    The last day of school is a MONDAY and a half day??? That's preposterous! I wonder how many kids will actually be there. And- it sounds like you have a great summer planned. My daughter has NOTHING other than one week of camp, but she's cobbling together different things, like last night she went ice skating and she's had a group of friends who go to the gym once a week. Of course, she's 15, so it's a whole lot easier. Oh, and your schedule is so different from ours. We're already on summer break, but school starts again August 12 (sigh.)

  5. I love posts like that. I write when I when when I write it. I have some goals for the summer... Exercise, mainly. Walking, running, weighs. I am so out of shape. I came up the stairs the other day and I was out of breath! That's not good, I am only 43, ha. Summer is wide open, with three weeks of camp for L. Nothing for R, too young. This one camp I love- at the reservation- is nature and science based but you have to be 6.

  6. I love the whole "bring water and fuel (=snack)" on a training walk! Genius.

  7. "I think I’ve been letting the false idea that I’ll find the perfect time to write a post and edit and tweak and etc. get in the way of actually writing anything." - Ahh the bane of my blogging life! I so relate!

    Water and snack is brilliant for all walks, training or otherwise. I can't believe your school ends on a Monday! That's insane. Actually, our school finishes on a Monday too but the Monday is "teacher training day" so the kids finish on Friday. How much training do the teachers do on Monday? I have no idea...

  8. Perfect, good, know the saying! It's so hard to LIVE it, though, isn't it???
    I also love the fueling but ick, not the Twizzler. :)
    And now I - happily - have Castle on a Cloud going through my head. I don't know LM, of course, but I love how she does everything - including a 2 mi walk! - with her whole heart. <3


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