
Showing posts from July, 2024

dare of the week #4

  Thanks for everyone’s kind comments last week! I ended up calling my PCP to get a PT order, but can’t get a PT appointment until September, sigh. Until then, I’m going some mobility exercises I found online and am slowly easing back into cardio; “team turtle” over here!     Last week wasn’t the week for the dare and that’s ok. My mind has been spinning from work and Lil Momma’s show (which was so much fun - I just love  Newsies !). On top of the busyness, I haven’t been sleeping because we’ve had this whole fire alarm thing happening. At first we thought it just needed a new battery, but the low battery warning kept going off two hours earlier than it had the day before. Suffice it to say, the 7am wasn’t bad but the 5am and 3am the last few days ended with us replacing the alarms (luckily, they were easy to switch out even though they’re hardwired in)!  This week’s dare is super spicy for me, but kind of perfect:  I’m going to delete social media apps off my phone and only be able to

dare of the week #3 and life bullets

  What a week! I don’t even know how to process a lot of it, so the high-level run of it is:   last Tuesday,  the Doctor said I could take the walking boot off  (yay!) but I had to buy all new “bouncy” sneakers (New Balance 1080 and Brooks Ghost Pro Max), inserts, and Oofos (boo for my wallet…) and needed to take it slow for a couple of weeks (less than 5K steps a day)… so glad to be more mobile, but this is all going to take some work to get where I want to be. last Wednesday, we had a  huge organizational change at work  and there will be more to come as they figure out what it means for my little team and the larger team I’m part of. I don’t deal well with this sort of uncertainty, the amount of feelings, nor not knowing what will happen to my projects and people, so it’s an ongoing oof… last weekend was  Lil Momma’s Dance Nationals , so she and I stayed up at the hotel where it was held and it was pretty much 48 straight hours of dance and people and small talk and loud music and m

dare of the week #2

Dare #1 Recap : my first week of keeping myself motivated with micro habit changes while I’m recovering from PTTD kicked off with moving my smartphone charger across my bedroom to start my days with a more natural energy This was super helpful 5/7 days and I felt so much better kind of laying there with my thoughts, chatting with Lil Momma who is my alarm clock most days, and easing into screens.  It was not so great on my in office mornings where I already have alarm anxiety, but I’m going to keep it going to see if I can get more comfortable with the alarm being across the room or get something that can be on my bedside table.  Now, onto dare #2! This week, I’m going to drink one of these 40oz water bottles every day.  I find myself downing seltzers throughout the day, but I know it’s not nearly enough water. But, I’m also trying to add to my habits and not restrict or take away from what I’m doing, so as long as I finish a “Big Green” every day, everything else is fair game! Last we

dare of the week #1

  I’ve been slowly getting adjusted to walking boot life over here. Doing errands is a pain with the boot off to drive and on to walk and off to drive and then on again, but I’m selectively making my way through things. I miss taking walks and just running down the stairs, but could be so much worse.  I’ve been reading a ton - look for a round up later this week! - and I’ve also been thinking a lot in this still time that I have.  I think mid- year is the perfect time to try out some new things and shake off some of this heaviness I’ve been carrying with me. So, what I’m going to do some weeks is give myself a personal dare to take one week and have of go at a habit or routine change or a task I’ve been avoiding and just see what that might bring to my life.  One week is doable if it’s not working, but as long enough to give something a good try.  For the first one, I have the habit of waking up and picking up my phone to scroll almost immediately . It’s a horrible way to start my day