dare of the week #2

Dare #1 Recap: my first week of keeping myself motivated with micro habit changes while I’m recovering from PTTD kicked off with moving my smartphone charger across my bedroom to start my days with a more natural energy

This was super helpful 5/7 days and I felt so much better kind of laying there with my thoughts, chatting with Lil Momma who is my alarm clock most days, and easing into screens. 

It was not so great on my in office mornings where I already have alarm anxiety, but I’m going to keep it going to see if I can get more comfortable with the alarm being across the room or get something that can be on my bedside table. 

Now, onto dare #2!

This week, I’m going to drink one of these 40oz water bottles every day. 

I find myself downing seltzers throughout the day, but I know it’s not nearly enough water. But, I’m also trying to add to my habits and not restrict or take away from what I’m doing, so as long as I finish a “Big Green” every day, everything else is fair game!

Last week was a bit bumpy in that I finally got my progressive glasses #yayforeyesfailingbothnearandfar and can’t wear contacts till the fall (if at all but only with readers) which left me a little nauseous until I got used to where to put my eyes, haha! Here’s to adapting and more micro wins this week!


  1. Congrats for a successful week 1! I like the week 2 goal of "anything goes" after Big Green.

    1. I didn't want to give up my nightly fun seltzer flavors, haha!

  2. Oooh great job on your first week!
    Water is delicious and refreshing, I love it, and I support your big green!

    1. Thanks! It's so heavy so I am counting Big Green as an arm workout, too, haha!

  3. I like Dare #2! I might join you- I would have to buy a bigger water bottle though. You can't go wrong with drinking more water. And, nice job on Dare #1. My thought would be to have a different alarm instead of your phone? My husband and I each use the alarms on our Garmins, which I know wouldn't be for everyone. But we like it because we can get up at different times on not wake the other one.

    1. I did just that, Jenny! I forgot I had one of those clocks that gets brighter like the sun before the alarm goes off - so I set that up and I have so much less worries, haha!

  4. Yes to dare #2!! I have to force myself to constantly sip on water. I use the "sunrise"alarm clock that starts off dim then grows as if the sun is rising up. I don't particularly like it but better than having my phone which I know- if I have it, I will use it.

    1. We are so in sync lately, Daria - I found one of those clocks in my closet!!

  5. Big Green! I love the name. It makes it feel a little more exciting, haha. Water is always the bane of my existence. I have a friend who regularly drinks 100 oz a day (no seltzers, either!) and I am in AWE. I consider it a good day if I finished my 24oz bottle + drink 1-2 seltzers haha.

    1. I am such a namer - if it has a "brand", maybe I can sell myself on it??

  6. You got this! I recently saw a tip to add not take a way too and that really resonated with me. Hope the dare is going well and you are making frequent bathroom breaks LOL!

    1. SO MANY BATHROOM BREAKS!! I don't know how I'm getting anything done haha!

  7. I finding your weekly dares so inspiring. I think it's the right amount of challenging.
    I've had progressive lenses for about four or five years now and I still don't think I'm using them right. Or maybe it's just time to update my prescription?

    1. It is weird to have to know HOW to use glasses, right?!?! I don't know if it's that I've been wearing the significantly wrong prescription in one eye and had my vision failing in the other direction, but these glasses have felt like MAGIC to me. I move my head around a little when things are blurry, but that really has been the worst of the transition for me....


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