dare of the week #4

 Thanks for everyone’s kind comments last week! I ended up calling my PCP to get a PT order, but can’t get a PT appointment until September, sigh. Until then, I’m going some mobility exercises I found online and am slowly easing back into cardio; “team turtle” over here!  

Last week wasn’t the week for the dare and that’s ok. My mind has been spinning from work and Lil Momma’s show (which was so much fun - I just love Newsies!). On top of the busyness, I haven’t been sleeping because we’ve had this whole fire alarm thing happening. At first we thought it just needed a new battery, but the low battery warning kept going off two hours earlier than it had the day before. Suffice it to say, the 7am wasn’t bad but the 5am and 3am the last few days ended with us replacing the alarms (luckily, they were easy to switch out even though they’re hardwired in)! 

This week’s dare is super spicy for me, but kind of perfect: I’m going to delete social media apps off my phone and only be able to access them on a tablet

My doomscrolling has been a challenge in recent years and I know sometimes I’m just scrolling to keep my mind away from where it wants to go (be it feelings or chores or decisions, etc.) I’m legitimately ashamed at my screen time #s. But, last week I was able to have my daily average start with a lower number (even with everything going on) and I’m hoping to build on that momentum. 

I’m hoping the tablet thing is a good middle ground; I won’t be able to scroll at work and the tablet will hopefully make it a more intentional activity when I’m home and done with things and settled in for the night (vs always having my phone and just somehow ending up there). 

Can you believe it’s August this week? I’m going to have an 11 year old at the end of the month?!? We have a family vacation in New Hampshire coming up, school prep…

Do you ever mindlessly scroll? I feel like it’s a habit I fell into but breaking it takes forever!


  1. I deleted the FB and Twitter apps a long time ago and it made life better! The other thing that I did that was even better is I turned off notifications. Now I only go to these sites because I want to, not because they're spamming me with notifications. My current setup is that I use the FB website on my phone when I want to - somehow it's less intrusive than the app.

  2. Oh, I definitely mindlessly scroll! Mostly if I feel anxious (ironically). When there is something I want to avoid or dissociate from, I will mindlessly scroll. Sometimes it helps and sometimes it does not. I do like starting my day by reading BBC news for a few minutes and catching up on blogs.

  3. I am a mindless scroller FOR SURE. And I play phone games so between the scrolling and the phone games, I am easily spending 7 hours daily on my phone. IT IS NOT GOOD. I wish you great luck in this new dare!

  4. No PT appointment until September????!!! Just.. why? That absolutely sucks, I'm so sorry. Well done looking up exercises to do.
    I like the idea of deleting social apps from the phone. I've done that on and off, but had to put Instagram back because there are things you can't do from the laptop or ipad browser. But I've kept Facebook and Twitter/X away. My biggest "danger" when it comes to scrolling is Threads, because there's no ads and mostly no reels so the feed is way too nice and quiet and I'm on there way too long. I don't even use the thing properly but created an account just so I could read post suggestions I get on Instagram and some of them are interesting.

  5. My 12 year old did a scene from Newsies for her Musical Theatre Camp - it was a lot of fun - I love the movie, but I haven't seen the musical yet. We should check that out.
    I mindlessly scroll all. the. time. And I'm not even on social media, so I'm not sure what I'm mindlessly scrolling on. I think that's the mindless part. Actually, I do - it's a cycle of news, feedly, random blogs, Libby (I'm constantly browsing the books there. Not reading any, mind you, just browsing and putting titles on my TBR), corporette.com and ask a manager (not sure why I spend so much time on these two websites, and then back to news and so on and so on. I should just read a book or something instead.

  6. I mindlessly scroll - some days it's worse than others - and I should definitely work on it. It's so convenient to have it all there in the palm of your hand. Deleting it on my phone and just using it on a tablet is not an option, because I don't have a tablet LOL so I might have to find other solutions. I know for me, being intentional helps with this.

  7. I am actually pretty good about this - but I also know that (instead of mindlessly scrolling), I instead mindlessly listen to news all. the. time. Trying to break that habit - audiobooks are good for me, as well as podcasts. So I try to shift to that instead of politics-news-commentary-argh. Hope you figure out what works for you!


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