week in the life: a wednesday on vacation

 Today started off with an oof as the breakfast place we went to (and had gone to when LM was younger) is now a Mexican restaurant now. So much for nostalgia! We grabbed egg sandwiches from Dunks and headed to Santa’s Village, this wild mix of holiday nostalgia, rides, Christmas music, and Scandinavian storefronts.

The Mr. and Lil Momma love Christmas and rides, so this is a must on our New Hampshire vacations. While not as much my jam, I do very much love seeing how much they love it here. We got to ride the new rollercoaster, ate gingerbread, and had a great time riding rides and humming random Christmas carols. I even pushed myself out of my comfort zone and tried out the Ferris wheel again after having a full on panic attack so bad they had to stop the ride 5 years ago. (True story.)

On our way out, sigh, the Mr. had a text saying Bella (our 10 year old Morkie who is being boarded back home) may have a UTI, which sent me into a bit of a tizzy. We are headed home tomorrow and got her a vet appointment on Friday and the Mr. has reassured me that they’d let us know if she was in rough shape, so I’m trying to chill and enjoy our last night. 

We had a fun dinner at Tuckerman’s and then came back for swimming and Olympics and snacks. Tomorrow am, the plan is to pack up and head out to breakfast and then hit the road for one last hike before heading home. 

Have you ever been to a theme park dedicated to a holiday? It’s so specific but such a tradition here in the northeast… 


  1. I've never been to a themed...theme park...but I LOVE Christmas and think I would LOVE listening to Christmas tunes while wandering around a park in the middle of summer.

  2. Yep, those things that aren't my jam but the rest of the family loves...I love how much they love them.

    Hang in there Bella!

  3. OMG, I would love this place! Christmas is my fave and it would be fun to go to a Christmas-themed theme park!!

  4. A theme park dedicated to a holiday? No, I cannot say that I've been to one of those... it sounds like a lot of fun though.

  5. I've never heard of a THEME park dedicated to a holiday. Something like, I don't know, "Santaland"? Sure. But not with rides. Do you do NH every year? It's so hard when long-standing traditions change and not because you want them to. :( Hope you find a good replacement for your breakfast place.


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