on september and sleep

Instead of deep diving how I cried at my yearly physical only for the doctor to tell me I’m not sleeping enough ever since the double hit of Lil Momma’s scared freak outs and getting up earlier for middle school (sigh), I’ll just note that I’m focusing on sleep hygiene and personal routines / rhythms in October and recap last month.

This mummy Hello Kitty is my stand in, haha!

As for my September 16… I’m super proud of myself! It was a hard and exhausting month but I was able to take some great steps to taking care of myself (and my to-do lists):

6 habits 

Wk1 ✔️; Wk2 ✅; Wk3☑️; Wk4 šŸ

Shower every morning 

✔️✔️✔️_✔️_ ✔️✔️


_☑️☑️_ _ ☑️☑️

_ šŸšŸ_šŸšŸ_

Drink water every morning 





Have a vegetable every day

_ ✔️_✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️




Take a walk every day

 ✔️✔️✔️_ _ ✔️✔️✔️

✅✅✅_ _✅✅

_☑️☑️_ _ ☑️☑️

_ šŸšŸ_šŸšŸšŸ

Read a book every day

✔️✔️✔️✔️_ ✔️✔️✔️




Do 3 workouts each week (HIIT, weights)





10 no longer avoided tasks

One closed my mom’s bank account and deposited the money in my bank

Two started PT for my arch/ankle #toeyoga

Three bought a box of pens for me 

Four I went through my shame stack of mail

Five Cancelled the recurring payments on 5 things I’m not using 

Six Did school drop off and pick up and didn’t freak out pulling in and out of our friend’s driveway

Seven Took a day off for myself

Eight Hung out with my former workout, still friends friend group 

Nine Lil Momma and I cleaned out her art supplies

Ten Ordered replacement inserts for the sneakers I bought because my former podiatrist told me I had to but also made me throw out the insoles so I could use the arch support ones that ended up hurting both of  my arches 

Completing a previously avoided task is such a rush! What’s your most ridiculously easy but you just can’t bring yourself to do it task?


  1. For your question: booking appointments. Any appointments but particularly hair and dental. It takes me forever to do it. But when I used to book for my sons (obv they do their own now) I was ON THE BALL. I never had a problem. But for me, I'm like...well...maybe tomorrow I'll do it.
    You got a lot of things done! But sleep hygiene, I'm glad you're focusing on it. Sleep is EVERYTHING for health, I hope you can get some. You'll feel so much better I'm sure.

  2. You did well with your September 16! You were 100% on the workouts and water, and very close on everything else. Nice job.
    Groan. I have so many avoided tasks. And, I also need to focus on sleep hygiene. i know it's so important, but I consistently manage to not sleep enough. Maybe you'll inspire me.

  3. That's wonderful, you did so well!!! Great job on taking care of those pebbles in the shoe! I don't really have any tasks that are nagging at me... I should exercise more consistently but that's not really a task... More of a "habit" ... Can definitely add more meditation to my life, especially in the mornings.

  4. I love your "no longer avoided" list. That's a nice list of things to not have on your plate anymore - especially with all of the new school year drama that you're working through.

    I'm Team Nicole about making appointments. Honestly anytime I have to pick up the phone I probably had to do some serious self management to make it happen.

  5. I need to call the vet to set up a (very expensive) appointment. I just need to do it, you know? But I'm not doing it.


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