three for thursday

What a week it’s been!

Matilda Memories

Well, we did more than survive Lil Momma’s long-awaited and bumpier than expected journey to playing her first lead/main character role for her musical theater class recital! The drama of the lead up weighed heavily on us both – waiting to leave for the 5pm show on Saturday felt ENDLESS – but she was able to get her head in the right place and go in with an equal amount of nerves and confidence. Let me tell you, from the moment she said her first line to the moment she screamed her last and ran from the stage, the girl was on FIRE! My parental bias is balanced with an undergraduate focus in theater criticism / reviewing, but I have to say she was one of the best parts of the production. She got a ton of laughs, a few gasps here and there, and made it through the hard song like a boss. I think we all are so relieved that this is over, but I’m so glad it can be reframed as a lesson (or lessons) and a good experience vs. what my anxiety mind was making it a couple of weeks ago.


PS: Thank you all for your kind words on my last post! I felt so heartbroken and raw, but I definitely didn’t feel alone!


School’s Out!

We also made it through the last (half) day of school on Monday! LM made it through her 2.5 hours of school (including a lunch and a recess, sigh) and then went to a pool and ice cream party at a friend’s house with the Mr. until she had to come home and get ready for dance because we still have classes this week because the recital is this weekend. (The recital is this weekend….) (I can’t wait to have FOUR WHOLE WEEKS OFF until her next show at the end of July!)


I can’t believe I have a 6th grader going into middle school in the fall. She’s right on that cusp of tweendom… I had Juneteenth off from work so she and I went on a girls day to get out of the house while the Mr. worked. We saw Inside Out 2 (I have a whole post in the works about that and anxiety, oof) and then went shopping. Seeing her equally want a doll from Target and Bubble skincare from Ulta really cemented this moment in life for me. She really is never going to be this little again. Here’s hoping for a summer of memories that really relish the season we’re in!

Crumbl cookies were part of our day!


My Freaking Foot

I’m so annoyed at it. My arch is giving me more and more pain. It sounds so stupid, but I am doing all the plantar fasciitis stuff right!! I really am!! I’m staying off of it and rolling with the ice bottle and stretching my calves and, and, and…. But, it’s getting worse. I miss working out (I was doing so well with that beginner run program) and am worried if I am doing more damage with the little movement I’m doing (what if it isn’t PF?!) and the movement I have to do (this dance mom has to run back and forth to turn a bun into pigtails and back into a bun over the course of 7 songs this weekend!)… I messaged my PCP last night to see if I could get a referral to a podiatrist or PT. Hopefully, I can get some sort of idea around what is actually wrong and what I can do about it before the summer is too far gone.



I have so much more to write about in the coming weeks: Inside Out 2 thoughts, how the Lazy Genius podcast gave me the spark to try out some things in my little household, summer reading plans with LM, etc. 


Happy Summer Solstice to you all! Were you a kid who loved the end of school and summer freedom or did you miss the structure and lessons and people? I was more of the latter to be honest…


  1. Congrats to LM!

    I think we're going to have to make a family date to see Inside Out 2. We saw the first movie when the boys were in grade school! Now we have one in college and one headed for his last year of high school.

    If you're doing all of the PF stuff and your foot still hurts==>sigh it just means that you have PF. I don't have it but my husband does and when it gets bad it gets bad. He does 1,000 different things and finally something works and it gets better.

  2. Oh I'm so glad the play went well! I was wondering!
    Inside Out - that movie just destroyed me. I took the kids to see it in the theatre way back when, and wow, when Bing Bong died I was just a mess. BING BONG.

  3. Yes- I would get someone to look at your foot just in case it isn't PF. With my PF, it's really bad when I first get out of bed in the morning and after I've been sitting for a long time. But if I'm up and moving it's usually fine. Also... I wouldn't describe my PF pain as being exactly in my "arch"- more like closer to the heel. It could be some other tendinitis problem or something.
    Congrats to LM!!!!!!! I think if I were you sitting in the audience, I would have had a heart attack. I always get super nervous if one of my kids is playing a solo in a band concert or something but at least those are over pretty quickly. I guess once the show got started, you realized she would be just fine? But that's a long time to sit there being nervous!
    Enjoy the summer vibes : )

  4. What a week indeed. Phew, you must be EXHAUSTED from all the emotions of late and just that end-of-year craziness. The cookies were a great idea. Congrats to LM. Sounds like she stole the show in the absolute best of ways <3

    I have never seen Inside Out, but really want to. I think I'll try to watch it this weekend and then I think I might take the kids to see Inside Out 2 next week in theatres (to escape attending a dreaded end-of-school event).

    I'm so sorry about your foot. My husband had horrible PF a few years ago and it was truly awful. It just...slowly corrected itself, but he was in so much pain for months.

  5. Congratulations to LM. You knew she would kill it in the next round and she did. Sometimes a little disappointment will propel us THAT much further the next time... so it all turned out well. I am glad you got to spend some time together on Wednesday. Cherish these sweet moments with your girl-about-to-turn-teen as much as you can.

    I am so sorry about your foot. It's so frustrating to seemingly do everything right and it not getting better. I hope you can get a referral and some answers soon.

  6. Go LM! And of course I know the outcome of the "PF" saga, so *Sigh* on that. :( I vaguely remember loving Inside Out when I saw it - long after it came out - but also probably won't watch the sequel. I'm just... not a movie person. So much else I need and want to do! I look forward to your post, though, as always. <3


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