a-boot that last post
Long background story short : problems with my right foot I at first assumed was plantar fasciitis because I was a new runner but then thought was a stress fracture after further Googling… I guess I got what I deserved in trying to self-diagnosis myself. (or, as the Mr. often says, “ Doctor Google isn’t a quack! ”) My lack of knowledge about foot anatomy also played a key role, as well, in both my misunderstanding of what was going on and how I actually made it worse throughout June. The good news is that I don’t have plantar fasciitis nor a stress fracture ! The bummer news is that I have this thing called posterior tibial tendon dysfunction or PTTD . My rough understanding is that this is a tendon that connects your calf muscle to the bones on the inside of your foot and supports your inside arch. When you mess it up, it can cause pain on the arch where the tendon connects (hey, that’s me!) and up through your ankle. To be honest, it ...